Blue Eyes

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Chapter Warning: Chapter Contains Serious Trigger Warning for death and suicidal thoughts.

--- Your Point of View ---

You could feel your mind basically internally screaming as you let him drive the two of you away from the compound.

'Why on earth am I letting this lunatic ex hydra assassin take me out to lunch?"

Your brain lectured as you did your best to calm your roughly beating heart – hoping he didn't see the panic in your expression. Turning you noticed that he was focused on the road. He seemed a bit hyper focused.

Curiosity got the better of you.

"Do you..."

You thought for a moment about how to word the question better than you first intended – it could come off as rude.

"What's that?"

"Do you find it odd driving in this year than back when you were born?"

You focused on his handsome face to see his expression and hard jaw line, a memory came slowly, making ice pulse though your veins cooling you down.

You watched as The Winter Soldier, shot and killed your two brothers, being triplets you could feel each bullet enter them – as well as their pain and fear.


At hearing you cry the Winter Soldier turned and looked at you, you were startled at how handsome he was – his blue eyes void of any emotion, he raised his gun pointing at you.

You were so broken at no longer being able to feel the emotions of your brothers that you closed your eyes – wanting for death to come.

But the bullet didn't come.

You closed your eyes and forced the memory from your mind.

That was something that always unsettled you, that you noticed how alarmingly handsome he was. How could someone so beautiful be so evil?

"I find a lot of things odd and yes driving is one of them, I...I hope I wasn't to forward in taking you like I did."

You tilted you head curious at that statement, he seemed genuinely worried about it. Your heart leapt as he side eyed you and you saw and noticed again how stunningly blue his eyes were.

You mulled it over in your head, what he did aside, you thought about if you were really bothered by all of this – obvious trauma aside.

"It's fine, I don't mind when a man takes control and I'm hungry."

It was an honest answer, you hated eating there so you always just skipped lunch, maybe sneaking in a granola bar here and there.

"So, uh are you spoken for?"

It took you more than a few seconds to get what he was asking exactly.

'Holy shit this guy is stuck in the early 1940's.'


He let out a tiny laugh, you had a feeling that he didn't laugh often.

"No, it's hard to find someone with similar life experiences, and the girls in this time a bit forward."

You knew there was a reason that he liked you – shit it was because you kept to yourself and you seemed very modest - that was why he was attracted to you?

Honestly you tended to be more into the BDSM subculture and in the bedroom you were defiantly submissive.

So him taking charge like this turned you on almost uncomfortably – not that you were going to share ANY of this with him.

Your stomach rumbled, you really were hungry.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

This girl is perfect, just being next to her set off butterflies in my stomach – I had never been so nervous around a girl in my life, and I'm talking about even before Hydra.

She clearly was sweet, feminine, self-reliant and strong – I had a feeling our relationship I would be able to be the dominant one, at least on the outside.

I could see myself caring for and protecting this woman.

That is what I needed, some may say I'm a man of my generation – but I needed a, at least in some ways – a submissive wife – someone who will let me take charge of situations, someone who will love and trust me.

A real 'daddy-knows-best' kind of situation.

So it was disconcerting and upsetting when I realized with an oddly clear certainty of mind that she was fucking hiding something.

I don't think it was one thing that she did in particular that set off the warning bells in my brain – more just a general feeling.

I knew that I was going to figure out what it is.

It was like she was behind a curtain, she could see you but you couldn't see her, at least not all of her, and I wanted to see her. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now