Calling Thor

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

You didn't think that going with him would be a good idea, but having him this close was oddly soothing, it calmed you – like when you saw him in the little town. You were sure that you could prove that being with him caused lower blood pressure.

As messed up as this whole situation is, as scared and unsure you were – even though this Steve isn't from this timeline – he was there for you, he cared for and protected you, and in doing that he was also protecting your baby.

When Bucky was lost in The Winter Soldier – you were still a bit wary about him giving into that darker side, sure the sex was amazing but you really did feel like he could be two different people – no matter how much it seems to make sense with what it was still unsettling.

You had a fear that one day – the Winter Soldier in him could take over, and you would lose Bucky forever, not that you hated the darker side of him – quite the opposite, but you were sure the intensity would kill you.

"I don't want you to be hurt, if Bucky sees... he might lose his temper." You started to protest, suddenly scared for him – you really didn't want him hurt, he was walking down the street – where people could see.

You had a sudden worry that Bucky was having you watched – you didn't like that idea, even though you were given space you really did feel like you were in a cage, a guiled one, but still a cage.

He carried you up stars and to what had to be the room he was staying in - it wasn't as grand as the one that you had with Bucky, but it was cozy.

Setting you down on the bed he closed the door.

"I am not scared of Bucky..." He moved forward and knelled down in front of you, putting his upper body basically in your lap.

"How are you?"

"I'm, I'm good."

He raised an eyebrow; your stuttering voice clearly hadn't fooled him.


"I'm scared."

"I'm here baby... you have nothing to be scared of." He walked forward and put his had on your shoulders.

You didn't want to tell him that you were scared about your feeling for him and Bucky, how you loved both and you felt like you were being torn apart.

On one hand you wanted to be safe in Bucky's arms, and on the other you wanted the passion that you got from The Winter Soldier, and you wanted the calm comfort of Steve.

"I should go."

He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed, and looked over at you, you gulped as he put his hands on the button of his pants.

"Are you sure you want to go already?"

"This isn't right, we can be together..." You whimpered.

"That wasn't what I was asking..." Stopping mid-sentence he undid the button of his pants; slowly he opened the zipper and leaving it like that he walked forward, putting his hand on your cheek he pulled you into a kiss.

When he pulled back you could have sworn that his blue eyes were darker.

"Just come to bed, don't fight it."

"I...I am sorry..." You gently pushed him away and turned and ran, you were going down the stars, holding your bump, you ran out of the building down the street, you were breathing hard but stopped to catch your breath.

You got a hold of yourself and walked calmly back to your place, you were terrified of looking back – tears started to come, you were so lost, and your emotions were all over the place. You made a detour and looked and found Shuri – she looked shocked to see you, but gave a smile.

"Hi, is everything alright with the baby?"

"Yes, thank you, uh do you have any way of getting a hold of Thor?"

She looked shocked at the question, then thoughtful.

"Yes. Why?"

"I would like to get a hold of him."

She raised her eyebrows at you. "Okay..." 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now