Darker Side of Him

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Your Point of View ---

"Uh no..." You stammered, no idea what to say. Like, what do you say at a moment like this?

He shrugged and leaned against the side of the shower, not shutting the door, watching you.

"Please give him back."

"Are you sure that you want that?"

"Yes, you're a monster."

"You might be right about that, but I am your monster – monster that you called to the surface."

The irony wasn't lost on you, and it pissed you off.

He took off his shirt, and you gulped noticing how strong his arms were, shivering a little you looked closer at his arm, you noticed the scars around the edge where his skin met it.

It looked painful and your heart clenched, what the hell did Hydra do to him? You knew the basics of what happened to him but you had a feeling much was left out of the official report.

He narrowed his eyes and looked where you were looking, he lifted his bionic arm up and moved the fingers.

"Do you see me...him...as less of a man because of this?"

You gasped shocked at the question, Bucky was many things, but you never say he was 'less of a man you mean - he radiated all things power, masculine, fucking Alpha.

"No, that's the farthest thing from the truth...you are very much a man in my eyes."

He raised his eyebrows at you and gave you a very wide smirk.

He dropped his shirt and his hands went to his belt.

"You should let me show you how much of a man I can be."

You backed even more against the wall and you looked away letting out a moan as you heard him start to undo his pants.

"I want to make love to him, not you..."

"Who said I was going to penetrate you little one? If you let me play with you I'll give him back."

"That's blackmail!"

"It will be mutually beneficial I assure you."

"Please give him back."

"What are you going to do when he finds out what he did to you?"

"He won't find out."

"I can't block him out of my memories forever, I could protect him by taking over completely."

You gave him an angered looked, trying to overlook the fact that he was standing in front of you naked – fuck super soldier men are built differently – damn.

"You wouldn't do that to me or him."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." He looked you up and down, and then you saw something shift.

His eyes darted as he looked down, like he was remembering something, his body relaxed a little and he looked up at you.

You could tell by his eyes and ease of expression that this was Bucky.

"Hey beautiful... sorry I'm not sure why I am watching you..." He looked confused but soon that left his expression and he smiled at you.

You tilted your head – wondering about the linguistics of how he can just switch and not noticed it.

"Can I join you?" He questioned.


--- Thor's Point of View ---

"Why on earth are you letting them interact?" Loki ranged at me.

"It isn't like I can't force them apart..." I defended.

Loki gave him his normal wicked smile but there was anger behind them.

"You could but you are just not willing to do what needs to be done..."

"Bucky would rather rip off his other arm than part with her, not that I blame him, she is something else. And don't you dare go after her."

"Do you want her to die?"

"Bucky won't hurt her."

He sat down annoyed and ran his hands through his hair.

"You haven't seen what I have seen."

The way he said that made my blood run cold.

"The soldier doesn't kill her?"

"No, that's done by Bucky with no influence from the darker side of him." 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now