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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I gave him a level look at that comment as I gently bounced my daughter in my arms, she let out a happy little coo, looking down I saw that she was looking around at her surroundings, she was loving taking a walk.

"I have the imagination to figure out the physical 'how' of sharing her."

"Are you sure about that, we could take her at once, she has enough holes, it might be fun to make her submit totally to us."

I found myself blushing at this idea, it was absurd that I was being bashful because I had slept with her, but the way that Steve was talking about her, so open.

I looked over at her and she had picked up a rock and was looking at it, I looked between her and Amberle, they both seemed to be inquisitive and enjoy the outdoor, that made me smile at how alike they were.

"They both seems to love the outdoor." My eyes snapped over and I saw Steve looking between Amberle and her mother.


I looked over and saw Steve look around, there was a tiredness in his expression.

"Are you alright?" I asked, I was genuinely worried.

He gave me a forced smile. "Yes, considering everything I'm fine, I have just been through a lot and I haven't been sleeping well."


"Yeah." He looked back at her and then at me.

"I love her Bucky, I didn't mean to steal her from you, I just fell in love with her, can you blame me?" There was an sadness is his voice that hurt me on a visceral level.

"Yes I can understand that."

--- Your Point of View ---

You were actually enjoying yourself for a moment, you had been so uptight lately, not only with the issues with your twin brothers, then being a reaper of chaos, then getting pregnant, running away, marrying Steve, then coming back with Bucky.

You hadn't had an emotional vacation, and you were in desperate need of one.

So you let Bucky and Steve walked ahead with your daughter and you took some time for yourself, you took a deep breath.

You walked forward and soon you were back with them again they were smiling at you.


"Hi... you ready to go home."

You looked between them.

"Can I ask a favor?"

They both had a wary look across their face as you asked.

"Maybe." Steve muttered gently, in a very diplomatic manner.

"I would like to have some time alone..."

"Sure, we will take Amberle home, you take your time and do what you want, there has to be a place to get some chocolate around here, we will have dinner for you when you get home." After saying this Bucky pulled Steve away from me.

You turned and watched them leave, you thought that maybe it was too easy but you were not about to pass up this opportunity, and now with what Bucky had said, you had a craving for a chocolate bar. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now