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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

"Are you going to let The Winter Soldier near you and your child?"

You turned completely and faced him, he turned to you, he held a very pensive and serious look.

"Why wouldn't I."

"He's dangerous."

"I know he is, but he has never caused me any harm."

He raised his eyebrow at you, there was something so intense in his eyes that it unsettled you in an alarming way, you found yourself blushing a little and looking away.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes...physically he hasn't harmed me."

Steve let out a gentle a sigh and sat down on the side of the bed taking a deep breath and he put his hand on your lower leg.

"What about emotionally?"

You looked away from him, you hated how piercing his gaze was.

"Do you have to say in this bed."

"Excuse me?"

You were dangerously close to crying at this point and you didn't want to do it in front of Steve, you braved a chance to look at him directly in the eyes.

"Can I leave?"

"You can't leave Wakanda, where would you go?"

You shook your head.

"I need air Steve."

You knew that he understood what you were saying when he got up and picked you up in his arms.

Normally such act would bother you but you were a bit out off emotions at the moment, he gently took the monitors off of you, there were no armors and he walked out of the room with you.

A few of the night guards looked at you, but clearly, they didn't want to bother Steve, he walked right outside onto a balcony and walked to the edge, setting you down on a bench.

You took in deep breaths and Steve rubbed your back.

"I didn't mean to upset you."

You look out into the city of Wakanda, it was so wide but I could see the jungle around it, beautiful and amazing.

"Thank you for taking me outside, the situation is upsetting to me, not necessarily you."

"If that is Buck's you are carrying I'll do anything to protect you."

You let out a rueful laugh and shook your head.

"You, Loki and Thor all are trying to protect me in some way, it hasn't gone as planned, and I feel like you are just making it worse...all of you."

"What do Thor and Loki have to do with this?"

"Short answer, Thor and me are...friends, and Loki is oddly interested in keeping me alive."

"Keeping you alive?"

"According to him Bucky is going to kill me at some point in the future."

You could feel tension that was coming off of Steve, you knew that you shouldn't have been so cavalier about that.

"Yeah, you are not getting near him, not why he is the Winter Soldier"

"You can't keep me from him...and I doubt you can keep him from me."

He pushed away from you and started slowly pacing, it gave you a moment to look him over closely, you realized something that intrigued but didn't really alarm you.

Steve was very handsome, he was very light where Bucky was dark, and the fact that he was willing to protect you, however misguided made you feel protected.

"Steve...we need to act carefully right now, I understand why you are scared but I really don't think he is a danger to me..."

He shoot his head and walked forward, standing close beside you he put his arm on the railing, deep in thought. 

--- Loki's Point of View –

{On A Hillside in Wakanda}

I let out a deep sigh, this was one part of the future that I had hoped to change.

Her and Steve meeting, I could see them on the balcony, and I wouldn't point out where they were.

This wasn't how they met the first time I saw it, but even though I did things to change it, it happed anyway.

There was nothing more than I could try and do, what was going to happen was inescapable.

"Are you sure that she is somewhere here?" The Winter Soldier came up beside me, we had gotten away from the guards and made our way here, we would be found in a moment, and things would change forever.

"Yes." I looked over as Thor walked up beside The Winter Soldier.

Any moment the Guards would surround us, and take us to her and The Winter Soldier would find out that Steve, a younger version of him, was still alive in this timeline.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now