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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"Are you sure that they are together, I mean are you sure SURE."

I gave him a look, narrowing my eyes at him, it was very telling that it was hard for him to even fathom that she and Steve were together.                                                             

"Seriously I saw them in bed together, I watch him...I watched him violate her, she is pregnant with my child..."

That thought made me sick, and it had brought out the very human in me, and I kept myself at the surface, because I knew if The Winter Soldier had come... I wouldn't be able to control myself as him.

"Was she fighting him? Was it forced?"

I swallowed hard, looking back up at the ceiling, I felt a few tears fall down my cheek. 

"No, she seemed to be okay with what he was doing to her... she kissed him back, touched him."

He came up and put his hand on my arm and then looked at me in the face.

"Is the Winter Soldier gone?"

I nodded, I knew that he would be a friend and not ask to much, I was also shocked that he had figured that I wasn't who I normally was, I clearly didn't hide it that well.

"Why do you need to go to The Raft."

"Because I can't keep him at bay forever...and when he gets after them..."

"Okay, okay let's get you out of here.'

--- Your Point of View ---

You hesitated at the question, you thought for a moment, if someone had told you months ago that you would be willingly pregnant with the man who killed your brothers, and that Captain America would come back from another dimension and take you away – and that you would fall in love with him.

You would have told that person to get a cat scan, and blood work at the doctor.

You looked up at him, you knew that if you agreed to this, there would be no turning back, that you would most likely never see Bucky again, and that your daughter might not know her real father.

You let out a sob and he grabbed your hands.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sprung this up on you..."

"Yes." You said it softly.

"I...wait, what?" He asked, moving to the side of the bed next to your food try.

"I said yes Steve."

He put both hands on either side of your face and made you look at him, you didn't look at him for the longest time, but when you did you saw tears in his eyes.

"Say it clearer, what are you saying yes to."

"Yes I will marry you Steve Rodger."

"Fuck thank you." He breathed, with his hands still on the side of your face he pulled you forward into a very strong kiss.

After a moment he pulled back, whipping his hands against his face he whipped the tears away, you had tasted the salt of his tears on your lips.

He moved the food tray more in front of you.

"You need strength for the baby, eat."

He did something that he had never done before, he leaned down and put a hand on your bump, then leaned more and kissed it.

"I will be right back, please eat as much as you can." He kissed you on the forehead and turned and left the room, walking down the side of the ship.

You realized that you should eat for the baby, when things got emotional you usually didn't eat much, but eating would calm your belly.

You took a bite of the food when you had an unwanted memory come to mind.

He had ambushed you in the hallway grabbing you from behind, after you had walked away from him, you remember feeling both aroused and scared at the same time, he removed his  bionic hand from your mouth so you could talk.

"Please don't hurt me..." You begged with a whimper.

"Oh love, do you really think I am a threat to you really think I would harm you?"

You dropped your fork sobbing, realizing that if he found you, you had a feeling that he might harm you, you loved Steve more than anything, you missed Bucky.

Your heart was being torn in two.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now