Ginger Ale

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Winter Solders Point of View ---

I had tracked them down on a boat called ANUBUS, when I got on board, I was dripping wet, and searched the cabins. I didn't like the idea of her being here, the heat could be bad for the baby – and they were miles from a hospital – what if something happened, how would she give help?

Then I came to what I thought was her, I slowly opened the door, expecting to see her there, the moon was illuminated the room in a very soft white light.

With that light I felt like I was looking at an angel when I saw her in bed, the covers were down and she was on her side, I let out a gasp when I saw her round belly – she had her hand on it, it was then that I noticed that Steve was cuddling her.

I took a sharp intake of breath as I watched them, my brain was racing but I made myself think logically for a moment.

Maybe they were just cuddling for the sake of it, maybe he was protecting her?

Rage started to fill me, I couldn't even fathom it, I couldn't consider that she and him would... I wouldn't jump to conclusion right now – I would fucking wait and see what was going on between them.

Shutting the door I turned and jumped off of the balcony and into the water.

--- Your Point of View ---

You woke up feeling unsettled, almost like you were or you had been watched – and you could have sworn you heard a splash, the boat was still moving, and you looked over at Steve, you turned your body because he was spooning you.

He was fast asleep and you moved a piece of hair from his face, leaning down and kissing his cheek.

You thought about what you knew about Steve Rogers, at least this Steve Rogers, he was much darker than your timelines Captain America, he had been open and told you things, things that he kept from the people of Wakanda and Loki. That darkness made him seem more human – more flawed.

You felt safe with him, and why you still very much loved Bucky, your feelings for Steve were dangerously strong as well.

You put your hand on your baby bump, running your hand around it you smiled at yourself, your daughter was moving and that had woken you up.

With a sigh you got up and moved off the bed and went to the dresser, on top of it was a box and you opened it and pulled out some saltine crackers – you were hungry and a little bit nauseous.

You took a bite of the cracker and ate two.

"Baby what is going on? Are you alright?"

You jumped and turned around and looked at him, he smiled and got up, walking out of the room, he swore and comment about the outside of the door having a puddle of water - you said nothing but you waited standing three, he came back in the room with a glass of something.

"Here, this is ginger ale, it should help with the upset stomach."

He handed it to you, walking forward you stood up on your tip toes, and pressed your mouth to his kissing him.

You pulled back.

"Thank you... what are we going to do after she is born."

He walked up

"We will have to find some place safe."

"Yeah but where?"

Because you were pregnant sometimes your emotions got the better of you, you looked down and you felt yourself start to cry, Steve stepped forward and put his hands around your waist and pulled you to him.

He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you against his chest.

"Shhh easy..."

"I, I'm sorry, I'm just scared, he will never give up on finding me, and when he does, he might hurt you – or take our daughter from us."

He lead you back to the bed and laid you down, he crawled on the bed and held you in his arms as you sobbed, doing you best to go back to sleep. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now