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--- Your Point of View ---

You woke up groggy and tired, looking over you saw that you were on a huge bed, under the covers and wearing just underwear, looking over you saw Thor, fully dressed, asleep on top of the covers.

You closed your eyes having to remember what happened.

Back at your home, you remembered stepping back just in time to see Thor land right on your balcony, he waited until the lighting came off him.

You opened the window, and he came in landing roughly.

"Someone fucking saw that flourished entrance I bet – I do have a front door, and an elevator to get up here..."

"With all the things that have transpired the past 10 years on your planet – do you really think it would phase anyone to see me come in that way?"

You opened your mouth, then closed it.

"That's fair, what do you want?"

"You activated him, that wasn't you best move."

"How the hell do you know about that?"

He walked back out on the balcony and opened his arms, you looked him up and down unsure.

'Yeah, I was taken to New Asgard kept safe from Bucky.'Your mind remembered.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, how long have I been passed out." You sat up wrapping the sheet around yourself, as Thor sat up, giving you that huge smile of his.

"Two days."

"That feels about right, so I was going to ask you... how do you know so much, is this because of Loki?"

Thor looked shocked, making you smirk.

"The Reapers of Chaos know that a version of Loki is alive, and he has done something to the timeline... you know way to fucking much, and your interest in me while flattering is highly suspicious."

He took a deep breath, then stood up and went into the other room, after a moment he came back with some butter toast and milk, handing it to you. You were starving and you ate it why you waited for his answer.

"I should have told you from the start – I was sent by Loki to come and try and prevent you and Bucky lives from entangling."

"You have got to be joking. Why?"

"I'm not sure why exactly, he didn't give me any other details that that."

You narrowed your eyes at him in anger.

"You're lying, stop that." He shook his head.

"All that I know is that bad things happen if you become his, that your obsession with one another could destroy the world."

"We don't have an obsession with one another."

"Now who is lying? He's already in love with you, even if he hasn't admitted it to himself. And your feelings are a clear as day to anyone observant enough."

"Shit, if you want us to not be together all you had to do was say so, I'm willing to walk away."

You knew that you really didn't want to, not matter what Bucky had done you wanted him, but you couldn't lie, what Thor was saying scared you.

"So you are willing to leave him?"

It was then that the door to the house was literally ripped from its hinges, it was a small house you were in, so the front door had a view of the bed.

You gasped when you saw Bucky standing in the door.

He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and had is metal arm showing. He was utterly terrifying like this, he looked like a short haired version of The Winter Soldier.

"Why the fuck did you take her again Thor?"

An evil and painful idea came to you, maybe you were just emotionally shot, maybe you wanted revenge on both Thor and Bucky.

You decided to throw them both for a curve.

"Bucky, seriously, why on earth would you interrupt me and Thor, we hardly get time to be together."

You looked up and saw Thor narrow his eyes at you, but he said nothing.

"What...what are you talking about?"

You tilted you head, not moving your eyes from Thor's dull blue ones, you knew that he got that you were challenging him. He shook his head barely and closed his eyes.

"James, her and I have been together for a while now...we kept it secret for personal reasons."

You balked at how quickly Thor caught on, and just fucking went with it. You had to force yourself to look at Bucky.

When you did you gasped when you saw real tears in his eyes, he stumbled backwards, turned and walked away - but not before you saw a tear fall down his cheek.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now