I Missed You

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

You raised your eyebrows at Thor, a look passed between the two of you and you knew that he was actually being serious, you dry swallowed.


"You wouldn't be the first person to do so." He reasoned.

I let out a laugh, making Amberle jump a little bit then settle.

"I'm not sure they would go for it?"

"Are you sure, you know I heard that they had a very deep connection with one another."

"No THEY didn't, they are from different timelines so that connection isn't really there, not naturally." Something told you that his could be possible, but the idea of it was more than just a little bit problematic, you would really amazing your real feelings about this later.

You sat up and started walking back to the cottage, she was starting to get a little bit fussy and you knew that she wanted to lay in her bed and sleep, her headstrong nature was already starting

"Just something to think about, Love and I are going to go help some people in a close star system, would you be willing to watch the place for us for a few days?"

"Yes..." I looked down at Amberle. "We both will watch the place."

"Thank you." He put his hands on my arm, he pivoted and jogged back to the house, by the time both her and I reached the cabin both Love and Thor were waving at you at the back open bay of the ship that was flying away.

You waved at them, it was going to get cold tonight so you were going to have to get food started and wood in the fire.

{4 Hours Later}

"Are you sur you want him to... to... come to you."

"Yes, and please don't tell Bucky, I need some semblance of anonymity in this whole situation."

Shuri nodded her head. "I understand."

"Thank you again."

"You are welcome."

--- Steve's Point of View ---

"So she said that she wanted me to come, just me?" I was putting some clothes in a bag, the moment Shuri had said that she wanted to see me I knew that I had to get to her, anything she asked I would do.

"Yes, do you know how to fly one of our crafts to get there or do you feel like you need to be escorted?"

"I can manage thank you."

I worked hard to get ready, I was shocked when the small craft landed right outside my building, when I got on, I got into the cockpit.

I noticed that I was now trembling, why was she wanting to see me alone.

{Late Night}

When I got there, I parked and cloaked the craft right outside the cabin, I walked out and up to the door, the door opened and before I could even really respond she was in my arms, I wrapped my arms around her tight.

She moved her head after a moment and I look my chance to kiss her deeply, my heart that I didn't realize was broken in pieces, started to mend.

I pulled back and pressed my forehead against hers.

"I missed you, wife."

"I missed you to..."

"Why have you called me..."

She started to answer but the sound of Amberle crying came from inside the house, I smiled down at her and walked past her into the cabin, going right to the back room to attend to her.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now