Rule 3

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Gibbs's POV

    "Jethro, what do we have?" I look up to see Jenny walking over to my desk.

    "I'll let you know when I find out," I say as I walk around her as she plants herself in my path. She reappears at my side as I head down the hall towards interrogation.

    "Well, can I see the file?" She asks and I glance over to her.

    "No," I say with a smile.

    She reaches for it, but I open the door to the observation room to see the entire team staring through the glass into the other room.

    "Hey, Boss," Tony says as he looks over to us entering. I move in front of the glass next to Ducky.

    "Jethro, I thought you'd might like to know that she hasn't moved since she was placed in that chair," Ducky says nest to me as I stare at our mystery woman.

    "Professional killers know how to sit still. Did you get anything when you patched her up?"

    "I'm afraid not. She didn't speak to me except for telling me not to giver her anything for pain or to even numb the area before stitching her up. She didn't wince at all during the procedure. I'm beginning to think she's something more than we realize," he says.

    "If she wanted to kill me, she would have," I say.

    "Tony was well," he adds. I nod.

    "So why didn't she? And why does she want to stay lucid?" I ask.

    "Gibbs, may I see the file?" Jenny says more than asks. I look back at her as McGee hands her one.

    "Thank you, McGee."

    "You're welcome, Director."

    She looks up at me and I look back into the room.

    "Gibbs, I think I may get something out of her," Ziva says from beside me.

    "What makes you think that?" I ask.

    "She's clearly a well trained assassin. I may be able to work around her and get her to say something that she might not say otherwise."

    "A well trained assassin as you call her would easily make you out for one too." I look out at the woman sitting at the table. "Besides she knows me, that means she might know about all of you too. She'll talk."

    "Abby did you get anything on her prints, or DNA?" Jenny asks.

    "No, I couldn't get anything. I tried everything, every test. I tested her clothes, hair, DNA, blood, teeth imprints, fingerprints, facial structure, eye color, bone structure, body shape. The only thing I can confirm is that her hair DNA and her blood do not match. She has two DNA types, which is rare. I'm testing right now if she has Chimerism. Until I get the results I've done everything I could think of, there's nothing in any of the databases. She's a ghost." she says.

    "Good movie, Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, and Patrick Swayze. [singing] I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before."

    "Yes, Tony but I don't think she's relaying any messages from the dead to speak to a loved one," Jenny says.

    "Well, she could be Oda Mae Brown, a younger one."

    "I don't think so, DiNozzo," I say as I head for the door and head for the interrogation room.

    It's loudly quiet, with a ringing in the air as I close the door behind me and watch her stare into the glass. Taking a few steps toward she speaks.

    "Nice of you to join me Agent Gibbs. Tell me how is your team?"

    I pull the chair out and set the file on the table and sit down. She stares at me, not even acknowledging the file whatsoever.

Erin's POV

    The glass shows nothing except the cosmetically created image of my face back to me. A neatly framed face with a high brow line, lowered cheek bones, and a rounded chin with average lips hiding a row of white, decently straight teeth. Foggy hazel eyes, and a unique auburn, red wave of hair around my face that flows to my lower back.

    I can imagine the confusion the team must be having, especially Abby. Not being able to find one microscopic piece of evidence to figure out who I am. She's the best at finding dirt and I can only imagine the suffering she must be going through of not being able to find any on me. The work of the best prosthetic appliances and temporarily implanted extras to make me as I am. Even if she could find something, nothing would tell them who I really was. Everything in the system with my DNA or medical records has been wiped clean. I don't exist.

    I can feel them on the other side of the glass, Tim, Abby, Ziva, Ducky, Gibbs, Jenny, and Tony. All of them present, all of them yearning to see the newest criminal in the box. The one with no identity. The ghost.

    The door opens and I can see from my periphery that it's Gibbs. He slowly closes the door as I begin to speak.

    "Nice of you to join me Agent Gibbs. Tell me how is your team?"

    He pulls the chair opposite me out and places a file, my file, onto the table and takes a seat. I look at him, paying no attention to the file.

    "How are agents DiNozzo, McGee, David, Dr. Mallard, Ms. Scuito, and the Director Ms. Shepard?" He flips open the folder and starts to set the contents within it around him. He ignores my inquisition and starts his own by looking straight into my eyes.

    "Tell me about Belize."

    I tilt my head slightly to the right and look at him.

    "It's a country."

    He looks down and flips through some pictures, he lifts one.

    "Do you know him?"

    "He doesn't look familiar," I say not even looking at it. He grabs another and shows me.

    "Does he look familiar?"

    "Nope," I say, again without looking at it.

    "Do any of these men?" He says flipping through a large stack.


    "Why did you kill these men?" He asks.

    "They were trying to kill me"


    "I might have made some people...unhappy," I whisper.


    "Don't know, the list is a bit long." I shrug.

    "Who do you think would want you dead?"

    "Like I said, the list is a bit long."

    "Do you know why you're here?" He asks.

    "Might have to do with Belize," I answer smoothly. I can see that he's slightly irritated by my answers and nonchalant behavior.

    "What is your name?"

    "What do you think my name is, Agent Gibbs?"

    He stares at me a few seconds longer before picking up the papers and pictures. He flips the folder shut and gets up from the chair and moves toward the door.

    "You may want to check Rule three?" I ask and he stops, his hand on the door handle. He glances back to me before pulling open the door and walking out, the door click behind him.

Rule 39: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence (Tony DiNozzo Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now