Gibbs The Charmer

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Erin's POV

    It's been hours and I'm still describing the last four years to the Director. A knock at the door forces me to stop and we both look to see Cynthia opening it and Gibbs walking in.

    "Paperwork is done."


    "You know it's after eleven."

    I glance to the clock to see its nearly midnight.

    "I guess we lost track of time. Why don't we finish this tomorrow? We can start fresh, I can tell you need some sleep," Jenny says.

    I nod.

    "There's not much more to tell tomorrow. When do you suppose I may—,"

    "Come back from the grave? I'll talk to Ducky tomorrow, once we're done and fill him in on everything. I can assume that you're using some highly advanced prosthetics, he'll help get them off. I don't see why you won't be back to looking like yourself by noon tomorrow."

    "It's going to be weird. I haven't had my real face in quite a while."

    "We're all here for you," she says as she reaches a hand out to hold mine.

    "Go get some sleep, get something real to eat too."

    "Thank you, goodnight Director."

    "Goodnight Erin."

    I nod and look to Gibbs, he grabs my arm and we leave her office.

    "You're staying with me again."

    "I figured that. So, how do you think they'll take to seeing me tomorrow?"

    "Just as surprised as you'll be."

    "I kinda figured that too."

    A treating smell fills my nose as my eyes open. Thinking back to yesterday I remember coming to Gibbs's house and getting a pair of clothes to sleep in. The moment I laid down I can't remember anything. Sitting up I look around the room, my old room, and take in the easy shine of sunlight coming through the window.

    "Today I'll be me." I reach to pull back the covers and I catch sight of the necklace around my neck. I grip it tighter and get up. Gibbs returned it to me last night, he'd kept it with him.


    "Good morning, what time is it?"

    "About 8:30, you hungry?"

    "Yeah, thanks. Aren't you at work by now, and on your second coffee?"

    "I thought I'd come in later today, I wanted you to get some sleep."

    "Gibbs you already do enough—,"

    "Just shut up and eat."

    "Hoorah," I say as I sit down and he places a plate full of food in front of me. Eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns. The same meal he used to make me while growing up.


    "Is there anything better?" I ask.

    He smiles and puts a cup next to me and I take a sip. I sigh with acceptance.

    "That's some good coffee." We eat breakfast and talk. Reliving memories and we laugh as we think back to the stupid things from before.

    "Do remember when we were on that case and you had the brightest idea to team me with Tony? We were supposed to come up and around that hotel on the right side."

    "Oh and that Great Dane made a leap towards you and Tony knocked you out of the way because he thought it was a suspect?" Gibbs laughs.

    "Yep, and they fell into the pool. Tony was splashing around and the Great Dane was doggy paddling away to the edge."

    "Yeah and I yelled at him saying that there was no time for a bath. He can get groomed on the weekend for his three o' clock appointment."

    "He was so upset, McGee and I didn't let him live it down for a week," I say.

    "You know it's going to be even better going over these stories when I can see your real face."

    "Yeah, it is. You know I put it on, I can take it off too," I say.

    He nods, "Yes, but I think the whole building would probably freak out seeing you show up seeing as a good portion of them were at your funeral."

    I nod. "Well, we should probably head to the office so I can finish updating Jenny of what I've been up to and also let her know my previous aliases so I can finally get this off."

    He nods and stands. "Are you done with your plate?"

    "I can take it. You can go get ready, Gibbs, I got it."

    He looks at me and steps back. He disappears down the hall and I put the dishes in the sink.

    "Today I'll be me." I whisper as I wash and dry the plates and return them to their places. Returning to my room I take a shower and find a clean pair of clothes on the bed. A note sits on top of them.

    Jenny dropped some clothes off this morning. She knew you might need some new clothes.

    I smile in gratitude and change into them. Finding them fit for my size I return to the kitchen to see Gibbs looking around.

    "Thought I'd leave a mess?"

    "No, I just wanted to make sure I still had dishes. You had the great training of breaking a few when you were younger."

    "Very funny, I think I grew out of that."

    "You ready?"

    "Yeah, and thanks for the clothes."

    "Don't thank me, I didn't give you anything except sweats and a t-shirt."

    "Always the charmer."

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