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I climb up the stairs, taking two at a time. Making my way up to the seventh floor, I glance at my watch to check the time. Ten minutes, I quicken up the pace and pull open the door with nine minutes and thirty-four seconds left. Moving down the hall I make a left turn around the corner and move down the hallway quickly.

The room is bare and empty, except for one. Moving closer to the hanging tarp I step around it to keep him oblivious to me.


He spins around quickly, the gun in his hands rising. His movements are shaky and he looks crazed.

"Get back. Put your hands up." I take a few steps from him and he steps back, but the gun rises higher.

"Hackery listen to me—",

"I don't have to listen to you, you've done enough talking that I don't have to listen. You've ruined my life."

"I didn't, I can—,"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it."

I move toward him to try and remove the gun but I end up behind him with my back to the missing wall.

"Corporal, I—,"

"NCIS, freeze!" Gibbs yells, I stare in mock surprise as they hold their weapons raised to John.

"Put the weapon down," Gibbs says as he stares down the end of his weapon.

"I can't do it." He says, the weapon now holding steady.

"Hackery, just lower your weapon. No one needs to get hurt."

"I can't Gibbs, I have to do this. She ruined my life. My wife left me, she took the kids. I can't ever see them again because of her."

"I can talk to the judge, I know no one would want to take a man's kids away from him. Come on Marine, put the gun down."

"No judge will let me see them, not after what she's put me through. I'm sorry Gibbs, but I didn't get my justice. Why should she?"

"Because she's a Marine too, trust me when I say she understands what you're going through."

"She doesn't, she doesn't know what it's like to lose her kids. To have them taken away from you because your wife tells you that you're a lunatic." I look to them and find this moment as my time to prove our innocence.

"You're right, I don't have kids of my own. But I was taken from my father. I know what's going on, I know you want to go to your kids and be with them. My father did, but my mother didn't want him anymore, and she didn't want him near me. Show your kids that you want to be with them, don't give up on them. I didn't ruin your life, I promise I didn't. I didn't come in contact with you or your family until a year ago. Much too late for anything that you've heard."

"She's right, Lance Corporal Warner did. He murdered First Sergeant Louis and got your wife involved. He was having an affair and he thought that the murder of Louis on you would make an easy decision for a judge to sign away your kids to your wife. You see Hackery, put the gun down. Come out of this a better man. After this, I can promise that you'll see your kids. I promise."

"I didn't kill anyone, but no one would listen."

"I'm listening now, Corporal."

A few solid minutes go by before John lowers his weapon. Gibbs moves forward and takes the gun from his hand.

"Will I really get to see them?" He asks and Gibbs nods.

"Yes, Corporal." I let a roll of relief come over me, but a feeling of hurt hits as well and I try my best to hide it as Gibbs moves toward me.

"I'm sorry." I look at Hackery and nod.

"It's okay, I understand." McGee moves toward Hackery, and I look to Gibbs.

"I'm sorry Gibbs."

"Never apologize—it's a sign of weakness." I smile.

"Always the lighthearted and bearer of advice."

"Only when you're listening."

"You have impeccable timing, did you know that?" I ask as I think of what's to come.

"I thought it'd be good to wait it out for a few minutes."

A laugh shares between us and I faintly hear the almost silent beep of my watch. A crack fills the landing and I quickly make my move. The blood pack in my front jacket pocket explodes and I begin leaning back over the ledge, gravity takes hold and I fall.

"Erin!" Gibbs yells and I watch as he leans over the edge. Tony appears next to him and the wall breaks and water splashes around me, forcing me downward. Kicking my feet out and moving my arms to keep me from falling farther, I swim beneath the surface and make my way to the bank 200 meters away.

Climbing through the overgrowth a hand reaches down to me, looking up I see their face and reach for the hand. With a quick swift move I'm standing on the edge and lean over to gain a breath. He stares at me for a long beat, his face stoic.

"Nice drop, I thought he wouldn't make it."

I sigh and stand.

"No, he got it. I didn't know my landing, I thought I'd be parallel."

"Yeah, time was running out, I told him to make the shot. I knew that you wanted out with a small window and if we waited any longer there wouldn't even be a window."

"That's fine. You got the stuff I need?"

"Yeah, all of it's in the car. Here's some clothes, might be a bit suspicious with a girl walking up the road in wet clothes." He hands me a duffel and I begin to pull at my clothes, replacing them with the warmth of new ones.

"Drive up to Cape Cod, there'll be someone waiting for you. They'll take care of the car and everything. You just get out and get the job done."

"The stuff you gotta do to get things done. How many times is this now?"

"I think it's the fourth. You know I think you have more lives than a cat."

"They have nine."

"Yeah, well if I'm right you'll be using up those next five in the coming years. Files and info are in the glove box. Study them, and get rid of them. Good luck out there."

"I always got it."

"Maybe I'll see you some time, and hopefully not in such circumstances?"

"Maybe. Thanks Joe."

"No problem, anything for a Marine."

"Semper Fi," I say with a smile.

He returns the smile. "Semper Fi."

I escape down the bank and make my way to the car. At the end of the road I see it, pulling open the door and climbing in I see the keys in the ignition. Starting the car, I take a last look in the rearview mirror. He's gone and I can faintly see the building in the back.

"Rule forty-five and forty. I cleaned the mess and got rid of myself. I'm sorry Gibbs."

Rule 39: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence (Tony DiNozzo Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now