Keeping Appointments

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An hour later and the team is still out on the case. I'm three files in on the twenty-two high stack when my phone rings.

"Special Agent Erin Carter, how can I help you?" I ask.

"Hey beautiful, how are you doing?" Tony asks and I roll my eyes, but can't resist the blush warming my cheeks.

"Hi Tony. I'm fine, just working on paperwork. You know, what I'm supposed to be doing."

He laughs and I put my pen down.

"How's the case?" I ask.

"Petty Officer and his girlfriend were murdered in their car in their driveway. The house was vandalized and broken into."

"Any obvious leads?" I ask.

"Not really, but hey you're not supposed to be working cases. So, how'd it go with the Director?"

"It, uh, it went alright," I say.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, it's really nothing. I'm just—I just don't agree with the stipulations that have been put on me is all."

"So, you're being Erin. Looks like you're getting back to your old self," he says with a laugh and I chuckle.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"I just wanted to call to see how you were doing. We'll probably be here for another hour or so before heading back into the office.

"Okay, well shoot me a text or something so I know you're all on your way back," I say.

"Sure thing. Bye."

"Bye Tony," I say and hang up.

The next hour and forty-five are uneventful as I finish another report and put it aside with the other five. It's eleven and the team are finally on their way back. I check the clock every few minutes to count the time it takes them, as well as count down the inevitable visit I have to make in three hours.

"Agent Carter, are you ready to go?" Someone says near my desk and I look up. It's Agent Wright.

"For?" I ask.

"Your appointment. The director has asked that I ensure you make it to and from your appointments," she says with a small smile. I can tell that she's just as equally uncomfortable as I am for this to be happening. I glance around the squad room and the others are looking between us.

"Um, yeah. Let me just grab my coat. Uh, do you mind if we get coffee on the way? I think I might need some," I say.

She nods and smiles once more. "Of course."

"Decaf, you know what the doctor told you."

I nod and turn to Gibbs.

"Thank you, I remembered." I turn back around so that I'm facing away from every one and grab my coat from the back of the chair.

I tensely shrug on my coat and bite my lip to keep from wincing before turning around to face the others.

"Ready," I say and smile towards Agent Wright. She nods before walking by my desk and towards the elevator. I follow after her, feeling the gazes of the others bearing into my back as I enter the elevator and thank the doors for closing.

"So, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other for a little while," I say and then grimace at my attempt at small talk.

She laughs and nods. "Yeah, it looks like it. You know I kind of actually volunteered for this."

I turn to look at her.

"I don't mean to sound weird or anything. I just, I think I understand what you're going through. You can only take so much hovering, I get it. You're not as fragile as everyone thinks. My younger brother got killed during a rescue op two years ago, everyone thought I was going to break at just the mention of his name. I was devastated you know because I was the one who recommended him to join the force back home. He was my brother so of course I was going to be upset, but after some time I focused on the memories I had of him and kept going. You're going to have a hard time, everyone does when something bad happens but you're going to be okay. You're not weak, you're not some piece of glass that could shatter at any moment; you're a lot stronger than anyone thinks. Probably more than you really know you are."

She softly smiles and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"How'd you deal with the looks? The out of the way actions they did to make your life easier?"

She chuckles lightly. "I told them fuck off. I said if I was going to break, I was going to break and when I was done I'd pick myself back up and get back to work."

I laugh, really laugh and she begins to laugh as well.

"Thank you," I say and pause.


"Thank you Rebecca. Erin," I say offering a hand to her. She shakes it.

"You're welcome," she answers and we fall into a comfortable conversation as we wait a few more seconds for the elevator to reach the garage.

Rule 39: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence (Tony DiNozzo Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now