Glad To Be Home

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Gibbs starts gathering the ingredients for the pancakes since he makes them from scratch. Tony sits at the table as I gather a pan to cook on and a bowl for the ingredients.

Gibbs and I move easily around each other as Tony talks about the Jaws theory, Gibbs spares a glance at me and I just smile at him.

After making breakfast and talking about what's to come these next two weeks, Gibbs advises that he's leaving for his cabin tomorrow and that he doesn't want to be bothered unless someone is dying. Tony and I chuckle and roll our eyes but I offer a small salute and continue to eat my pancakes.

Once we're done, Gibbs grabs the plates and silverware and nudges my chair.

"Go start packing, I'll be with my boat," he says and I smile and roll my eyes.

"Wow, you really want to rush me out of here," I say as I stand and he shakes his head. I reach for Tony's hand and he smiles as he gets up and follows me.

"End of the hall," Gibbs calls as Tony and I walk up the stairs.

"Copy," I call back and Tony chuckles.

"I'll get the boxes, why don't you start looking to see what you want to pack," Tony says and I nod as I enter my room and he continues down the hall.

As I enter the room, I glance around at my few belongings and realize that all I have here is clothes. Tony walks in a moment later with four deconstructed, medium-sized boxes in his hands. He smiles when he enters and quirks a brow at me as he sets the boxes on the bed.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I think all I have is clothes here," I say and he glances around.

"Well, that's okay. I mean the last year or so hasn't given you the chance to buy a lot of stuff," he says and I nod.

"We can get stuff together," he walks over to me and places his hands on my hips, "for our home," he adds and I smile and nod. I lean up and peck his lips before pulling away and walking over to the closet and start pulling clothes out. Tony starts building the boxes up and I place the small piles of clothes on the bed next to the boxes. Once the closet is emptied, I pull open the dresser drawers and grab the clothes within and join them with other piles of clothes.

I pack the boxes quickly as I don't have much. We fill three and a half boxes with my clothes and other small little things like toiletries. Once done, I sit on the edge of the bed and look at Tony as he places the boxes near the door.

"What's wrong?" He asks once he turns around to look at me. I smile and shake my head.

"Nothing, it's just, it's weird. This place has been my home for so long and now I'm moving out of it," I say. Tony nods and walks over, taking a seat beside me. He grabs my hands and holds them within his own.

"This will always be your home, you can always come back and stay over when you miss it. As much as it would sadden me that you won't be on your side of the bed," he says and I chuckle.

"Maybe we can talk Gibbs into letting you stay over like a sleepover," I say and he laughs.

"Yeah, I think I'll be sleeping on the couch for that," he says and I laugh.

"Hey, you done already?" Gibbs asks as he comes around the corner and enters the room.

I turn to look at him and nod.

"Yeah, don't really have much other than clothes," I say and he glances down at the boxes and then at me.

"Well, I have something for you, something I've always meant to give you but wasn't sure when would be the right time," he says and holds up a finger as he steps out and down the hall.

I quirk a brow and look at Tony and he shrugs. Gibbs returns a few moments later and he's got a medium-sized box in his hands. He walks over and hands me the box. I take it gently from his hands and look down at the lid. In familiar scrawled handwriting, I read 'For Erin'.

"My Dad?" I ask and look up at Gibbs and he nods.

I pull off the lid and look inside and see a few books, journals, miscellaneous medals, and a photo album. I reach for the photo album and set the box beside me on the bed. I look up at Gibbs and he pulls his lips to the side in a slight smile and I look back down to the album. I flip it open and the first picture is of my Dad holding me at the hospital after I was born. A photo next to it is of my Mom looking at me with adoration as she holds me. I flip through the pages and there are different photographs from my childhood. Even some after my parents separated and I was with my Mom.

"She still sent photos to your dad and letters to keep him updated on how you were doing," Gibbs says and I look at him in surprise.

"She never told me," I say and he nods.

"She thought she was doing what was best for you, but she didn't want you to totally be out of his life. Before she died, she called me to come pick you up," he says.

"I remember," I say.

"She didn't want you or your Dad to see her like that at the end," he says and I look back at the album at a few other photos of myself or with my Mom before they turn to photos with just my Dad.

"When he died, he asked me to give this to you when you were old enough, well you became old enough but things happened," he says and I know what he's implying. The mayhem that was my life happened.

"Thank you," I say as I place the album back in the box and stand. I reach up and hug him and he hugs me back.

"I'm coming over once a week for dinner," I say and he chuckles.

"Wouldn't expect anything less," he says and I smile.

Tony and I return back to his apartment, well our apartment now, we set my boxes in the corner of the bedroom to put away later. As Tony comes in and places the last box on top of the stack we've created, I plop down on the bed with a huff and Tony turns with a chuckle.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I smile and shake my head.

"Nothing, just glad to be home," I say and glance towards him. He smiles and walks over and takes a seat next to me.

"I'm glad you're home too," he says and leans down to kiss me gently. He takes my chin in his hands and tilts my head just a bit to kiss me deeper and I smile into the kiss. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"I love you," I say and he closes his eyes with a slow breath and smiles before opening his eyes.

"I love you too," he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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