Always Have

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Erin's POV

    Ivann is laying on the ground, still gripping his bleeding leg as I lean against the doorframe and aim the gun at him. I've already checked the clip, there's still five shots left should Ivann or some more of his men show up.

    "E!" I hear echo into the room and I glance at Ivann, he's starting at me. I look out the room and see no one, but I know it was Gibbs.

    "Gibbs!" I shout despite my raspy voice, the message carries and bounces off the walls.

    "Erin!" I sigh and look up towards the sky to say thanks as I know Tony is here as well.

    "T—," I start to say when I feel a heavy weight push me into the wall. I release a groan as I turn and look back at Ivann. His face is close to mine and he's gritting his teeth from pain and anger as he tries to break the gun from my hands.

    "Your friends may be here, but you won't see them," he says.

    "Fuck you!" I say. His lip curls and he punches me across the face. I groan as his fingers dig into mine to rip the gun away from me. I push against the wall and force my weight into him, we tumble to the ground and I land on top of him. He groans loudly and I shout out as he hits me in the side along some broken ribs. Rolling over, the gun slides across the concrete near the table and Ivann crawls on top of me. His fingers wrap around my throat and I choke out a breath.

    "Freeze! Let her go!"

    The fingers around my throat squeeze harder and Ivann becomes blurry, the space around him going black. There's a shout and a loud pop and the weight around my neck releases, deep breathes fill my lungs and I look over to see Ivann shot and bleeding on the floor next to me.

    "Erin?" I turn and look up to see Tony and Gibbs looking down at me, their faces close to mine.

    "Gibbs, Tony," I say, breaking into a smile.

    "Hey, stay still okay? We've got an ambulance outside, you're going to be okay," Gibbs says.

    "Thank you," I say as the final bat of exhaustion hits me.

    "Hey, no need for that. You're family, you hear me? You did great," Gibbs answers. I nod as I blink slowly.

    "Hey, keep your eyes open okay? Erin, baby, come on, keep those eyes open," Tony says. I open them and look up at him. I lift a hand up and brush my fingers over his face and he leans into my hand as he grasps my hand.

    "Tony," I say and just as his name leaves my lips my body feels like dead weight and my eyes feel so heavy to keep open. They close and I faintly hear Tony and Gibbs calling out to me.

Tony's POV

    I sit back as I watch Erin sleeping, there's a soft knock and I look up to the doorway to see Gibbs standing there.

    "You should go home and change, get some sleep," he says.

    "Would you? Or let me rephrase, have you?" I ask. He looks between Erin and myself before sighing and nodding.

    "No, but I have gone home and changed," he says. I nod and look back to Erin.

    "I can't. I can't bare to be away from her when she's hurting," I answer.

    "Well, do you think she'd feel better knowing you've been here in the same clothes, no shower, eating hospital food, and drinking hospital coffee for the last three days?"

    I glance up to him and sigh.

    "Come on Tony, go home. I'll call you as soon as something happens. The doctor said she'd be out for a few days," he says and I sigh again.

    "First thing," I say and he nods.

    "Sure thing," he replies and I nod as I stand and let out a stiff groan. Although I hate to admit it, I've been starting to hate this chair and the cot the hospital have.

    "Get a shower, eat some real food, and get some sleep, you hear me? That's an order," Gibbs says and I smile and nod.

    "Yeah, look after her," I say as I head out and he nods.

    "Always have," he answers. I nod

Rule 39: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence (Tony DiNozzo Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now