Through Hell and Back

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Tony's POV

    "Don't try and escape, okay?" I smile and leave the room to follow the doctor.

    "Since she doesn't have an identity, I'm having to file the paperwork as Jane Doe. As it is, it begs to create issues with my bosses so if you could vouch for her and simply fill these out. It's just the regular forms, but there's an additional page to explain this situation."

    "Of course," I say.

    "Your people really want her back don't you? What did she do?"

    "She's a witness to case we're working on," I reply.

    "Well, with the X-Rays we took, that woman in there is a lot tougher than she appears."

    "What do you mean?" I ask. The doctor grabs the chart and flips it open once more.

    "Multiple fractures, shrapnel in her left thigh and her torso, scar tissue from a bullet wound to her shoulder, healed break in her left tibia and fibula, screws in her right wrist, some type of composite material as a rod in her right arm with pins attached to her radius and ulna."

    "Is there any way to determine when she got those wounds?"

    "They're all healed with the exception of the more recent wounds, but I would say at least a year. I've never seen anything like this rod that's in her arm. I've read scientific journals of test pilot programs in the middle east and in rural areas of Asia that are doing things like this but they're in the primitive stages. This, this looks like any modern day surgery with the exception is not the standard material to be used."

    "Could you determine the type of shrapnel on her left side?"

    "Miscellaneous material as well. Some appears to be different types of metal, largest is about a quarter of inch. Rest is like pin holes along her body. Small enough to get by but would still hurt under the right conditions. It appears she had some type of field surgery but the incisions are so small that I would think it was self administered and she got out what she could."

    "So she's seen war of some kind?"

    "From what it appears of her X-Ray, she's been through hell and back. I mean when I say multiple fractures, she has at least 18 right now in different parts of her body. She has numerous others that are healed. Who ever she is, she's been more fights than anyone would know. Either that or she's a stunt woman, I count almost 500 fractures. The record is 433 in a single human body, that record is held by Evel Knieval. What this woman was doing is a mystery."

    I try to process the information she's just given me and glance back to our ghost's room and begin to wonder even more.

    After spending a few minutes filling out the paperwork, I get my phone out and dial Gibbs.


    "Doctor is releasing our suspect said they got word from the Director. I just finished filling out the paperwork and we'll be heading back to NCIS in a few."

    "Alright, there'll be an escort waiting for you when you're leaving," he says.

    "Right, Boss."

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