Who's Your Boss?

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Gibbs's POV

    From down the hall I can hear Ziva yelling for help and I look at the man across from me and he smiles.

    "I think she needs some assistance."

    "If he's dead why aren't you?" I ask.

    "Because unlike him, I would like to live and him killing himself was better death than what my boss would have done to him."

    "How do you know me?"

    "You learn a lot of things about other people when you trying to kill one."

    "Matrona Tvardovsky," I say.

    "So you know her name?" He asks, a smile creeping on his face.


    "What else do you know?" He asks, his eyes squinting.

    "So far?" He nods. "Nothing more than what we've been told," I say. He smirks and leans back a bit.

    "She was fiancé to my boss, two years ago. Most beautiful woman any of us see."

    "How'd she end up with a hit on her?"

    "She try to kill boss. Fifty-third birthday, she give big party for him. Invite many people, including members of INTERPOL. At the end of the night, she try and shoot him in the head."

    "What went wrong?" I ask.

    "He see her reflection in mirror, he duck and hit her across the face with his hand that has a lot of big rings. He grab gun and try to shoot her, but she is gone before he pulls the trigger."

    "Putting a hit on her? What makes you think that the woman in our custody is the same woman?"

    "We hear things, try to follow her tracks. It was almost like Matrona disappear off the face of the Earth. Then my boss get news of a woman, very beautiful and cunning like Matrona. So he send me to go see if its same girl. This girl, brunette with blue eyes; she look very different. She see me while she is shopping with another man, no fear, no anger in her eyes. But I knew, I knew from one look into her eyes that it was Matrona. She changed her appearance," he says.

    "Where did you see her?"


    "Brazil?" I say. He nods his head.

    "I'll try and work something out for you. One last question though, who's your boss?" I ask standing and walking toward the door.

    He smiles. "Bronislav Vitsin."

    I grab the handle and begin to walk out.

    "Is my name. I take the name of my boss to the grave. If he get to me, I am dead. I give his name, he keep me alive to watch my family die. I only tell you what I have to to make sure they stay alive. Igor Semenov is other man in other room."

Erin's POV

    Silence had taken over the room with the exception of a nurse or two entering and exiting every so often. Tony and I haven't spoken a moment more once I told him to relive some of his old memories.

    "Knock, knock," glancing towards the door, the doctor walks in with a smile.

    "How are you doing?" She asks.

    "Just about the same as I was the last time you were in here," I say. She doesn't lose the smile with my crack.

    "Well, I've gone over your charts and from what I see you're doing just fine. Seems someone out there really wants you and has submitted for your release. You've been healing well so far, I am going to request that you seek additional medical treatment if you need it. I hear that there is medical staff at your facilities, correct?" She speaks to Tony and he nods.

    "Yes, we have a very good Doctor, Doctor Mallard who can attend if needed," he says.

    "Ah, Doctor Mallard, he is a wonderful Doctor. Although I heard his expertise were elsewhere as of late," she says. Tony smiles and shrugs.

    "As long as there is someone to attend to you, I do not mind. Especially if it is Doctor Mallard. So, if it's alright with you I will be releasing you into the custody of Agent DiNozzo," she says to me. I nod and glance to Tony.

    "Sounds alright," I say and she nods before asking Tony to follow her out so they can talk.

    "Just need some paperwork filled out," she says.

    "Don't try and escape, okay?" He asks with a smile and leaves.

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