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I wake up to darkness, and silence. Looking up, the clock reads 3 AM, I sigh as I lean back against the pillow.

    Sitting up, I grab a throw blanket from the closet and head downstairs to the kitchen. With the blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I decide to make some coffee. As it brews, I take a seat at the table and run a hand through my hair.

    "You're up early," I hear and I look up to see Gibbs standing in the doorway.

    "What are you doing up?" I ask.

    "I could ask you the same question," he says as he walks in.

    "Couldn't sleep," I say, knowing better than to lie right now unless I need to.

    "What's keeping you up?" He asks as he leans on the counter.

    "Schedule change," I say. He raises a brow. "Not living on the run is different from what I'm used to," I say and he nods. Turning to the coffee pot, he pulls it off and I get up to grab two mugs.

    "Want to talk about it?" He asks. I smile.

    "Not really," I say.

    "We'll get him, if he's what's keeping you up," he says and I look up as I put the mugs down. He holds my gaze and I wonder if he knows about the phone call just a few hours ago.

    "I know," I say. He smiles softly before pouring the coffee. I reach for mine and return to my seat at the table.

    "How's Tony?" He asks and I look up and he has a curious smile on his lips.

    "Fine," I say.

    "He gave you the ring didn't he?" He asks.

    "It's not what you think," I say.

    "Isn't it? You still care for him, and he cares for you. You don't have to say yes right now, but we both know how you feel about each other," he says.

    "Like you still care for the director?" I ask and his shoulders straighten.

    "Erin, you know what I mean."

    "No, it is the same. Because you two still care for each other but you won't cross that line again because you know that it's been too long and it just won't work," I say, my voice raising a little.

    "So why'd you take it?" He asks, turning the conversation.

    "He said he couldn't hold onto it," I say.

    "That doesn't answer the question," he says as he takes a sip of coffee.

    I say nothing as I stare at him.

    "Maybe you're wrong about it not working," he says as he walks out with his mug. I stare after him and sigh, again running a hand through my hair as I stare blankly towards my mug.

    I stay at the table until the morning seeps through the window and the first sounds of birds chirping echoes through the room. I stare out the window as the room continues to brighten, an idea coming to mind. I stand, placing my empty mug in the sink and heading upstairs to quickly get dressed.

    Once dressed, I grab my keys and head out. Jumping in the car that Gibbs rented for me, I drive out towards Arlington. I pull up to the gate and look to the clock, there's ten more minutes before the gates open to the public. Sitting in the car, I stare at the endless rows of white stones, an army of soldiers still fighting a war that may never end.

    I hear a noise outside the car, and see that the gates are opening. I drive in and head for small building within to get the location of the grave I'm looking for.

    The ominous silence is deafening on my ears as I walk through the rows of headstones, heading for one particular set of trees. Once I reach them, I look over the stones and stop as I find the one I'm looking for. Standing before it, I stare heavily as I slowly kneel before the white, carved stone.

Erin Marie Carter


Persian Gulf


April 12, 1971

November 19, 2000


Rule 39: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence (Tony DiNozzo Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now