jealous leona x fem!reader

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a/n: reader is the prefect here and also a bit older since leona is, what, twenty? i think. so they act as an older sister figure to some of the younger students (i'm also playing off of leona being intimidated by/respecting women lots)

You had just finished boarding up a few sneaky holes around the back of Ramshackle Dorm with the help of Jack and Epel. You know that you probably would've been able to fix up the dorm yourself, but having the two of them helped made it go a lot faster.

"Thanks you two, you really made this a lot easier for me," you say, putting away your tools. "I feel bad about making you guys work in the sun, though—how about I treat you two to something at the Monstro Lounge? I've heard some really good things about the drinks there and I'd love to try them out with you guys!"

Instantly, Jack and Epel's faces light up.

"Really?!" exclaims Epel, hopping from foot to foot. "That would be wonderful! Thank you so much!"

Jack is a lot calmer about it, but he can't hide the way his tail swishes back and forth as he nods along with Epel. "Yes, thank you!"

You smile and gesture for them to follow you, happy to be able to spend more time with your friends. You'd grown close to the first years and were often there to help them get out of trouble, though there was the occasional event where you'd let them sort things out by themselves if it was on them for getting into trouble in the first place.

Jack sighs heavily as soon as he enters the Monstro Lounge, glad to get out of the heat. He was clearly the more tired out of the three of you, having done much of the work, so you led him to an empty booth by his elbow and told him to stay there while you went to buy him a drink.

"But, prefect—"

You hushed him, gently pushing him into his seat and motioning for Epel to join him. "No, you've helped enough. You too, Epel," you say, not wanting the younger boy to feel left out.

Jack gives you a grateful smile, letting himself deflate slightly as you walk up to the counter to order something for the three of you.

Once at the counter, you placed your order and paid, but before you could go back to your friends you caught a glance of someone out of the corner of your eye and turned, the confusion rising inside of you. Once you see who it is, something akin to excitement swims in your stomach.


He looks up from his drink, eyes narrowed as he took you in. "Need something?"

You blink once, then shake your head, your face beginning to heat up with slight embarrassment of suddenly seeing him. "N-no, I was just surprised to see you here is all. This doesn't really seem like your kind of environment."

"And what's my kind of environment?" he asks, shifting his arm to cover a card that was only half-written in the hopes that it won't catch your eye.

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