protective!jack x gn!reader

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a/n: look i love this dude but also he's an emotional 16 year old and nothing gets crazier than that

synopsis: title kinda says it, but jack likes the reader (shocker) and gets insanely protective over them for "no reason" and yet has no idea why he feels like that (also crewel is in here bc i refuse to believe he and ppl who actually do his coursework wouldn't get along. he appreciates the effort after almost getting killed ~6 times in the span of one single academic year)

(look i rlly like the idea of prefect being the only one crewel won't actively call out bc they're the only one actually trying not to get into trouble. teacher's pet except its literal bc crewel basically calls u a dog. also yea leona's in here unfortunately)

You'd just gotten the feeling that something was very, very wrong.

You weren't too far off, actually. You were stuck in between Grim and Jack, trying your best to focus on the lesson in front of you but it was getting harder and harder by the second because of how difficult  the two of them were being.

Jack was glaring daggers at Grim each time he'd shift on your lap, sending poisonous looks his way while Grim only returned smug little smiles each time he caught Jack looking.

Normally, you wouldn't mind the attention, especially not when it was coming from Jack. But lately, he'd been acting a bit more...protective.

You didn't think anything of it when he steered you away from Leona, casting his dorm leader a stern glare, because that was everyone's natural reaction to seeing the overgrown cat—yours included.

But when he started glaring at your classmates and even growling  at Grim...

Well, that was something else entirely.

You'd been good friends with Jack for a while now. The two of you were nearly attached at the hip—and while you definitely considered him one of your closest companions, you couldn't help yearning for something more.

It was hard trying to get anything out. Despite his prickly exterior, he was quick to tone it down around you, often flashing you smiles and looking on the optimistic side of things more often than not—however, that led to him overlooking your various attempts to confess.

Eventually, you'd gone silent. You didn't want to loose the bond that you already had; if he didn't feel the same, you felt that you'd ruin everything you had—loosing your best friend was the last thing you wanted.

The way you looked at him made it glaringly obvious to everyone else how you felt, yet somehow  Jack didn't think twice about it. You always looked at him like that—surely there couldn't be anything behind it, right?

Jack truly didn't notice anything. He was so convinced  that you just saw him as a friend—after all, why else would you tag along to each workout he participated in, even if they left you dizzy and ready to clock out the moment you sat down a little too hard. That's just what friends did, right?

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