ruggie x kingscholar!male!reader

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synopsis: every year there's a festival at sunset savanna and leona is forced to go bc Older Brother Said So (ft. cheka). ruggie tags along bc he's guaranteed free food and finds out about the THIRD kingscholar brother—you—whom no one ever mentioned for some reason. ruggie has no idea how to talk to the reader because they're not on the same social standing, but he eventually figures it out ft. leona's family embarrassing him because he only has one (1) friend

i was asked to write a dominant reader, but i decided to go with someone who isn't as harsh as leona bc ruggie deserves a damn break

Finally,  thinks Ruggie, shoving the last of his shirts into his suitcase, I can get outta this place.

Leona had asked (demanded) that Ruggie accompany him on a trip back home during their break. Seeing the perfect opportunity to stuff himself and his bags with as much food as he could pull out of the event to bring back to his neighborhood, he'd immediately agreed.

Ruggie was aware of just how much Leona hates going back to Afterglow Savanna. Considering the way he was raised as second-best, it wasn't too surprising to him, but he decided not to think too much about that. The memories of Leona's overblot were still fresh in his mind.

"Just fill in for me whenever someone asks," says Leona, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes—he had woken up just minutes before they were scheduled to leave—and frowning at the mirror that he was supposed to pass through to get to his palace.

"What am I supposed to tell them?" asks Ruggie. He's not feeling insecure about his new role as Leona's stand-in, but he'd rather not offend anyone while he's there, either. Who knows how a royal might respond to him, a nobody from nowhere, telling them that the second prince told them to fuck off.

"Tell them to leave me alone, then do whatever they want. They'll probably just give you stuff to give to me later, but I don't care if you keep it. I don't want it," says Leona, passing through the mirror. Ruggie follows.

Ruggie has always been confident in his ability to blend into his surroundings, but walking through the large, open halls of Leona's palace and watching as well-dressed people, royal and servants alike, give him fleeting looks. He stands out too much.

Unconsciously, his shoulders hunch in a little, trying to make himself smaller. Leona doesn't seem to care who comes and goes, ignoring all bows and marching until he gets to another hallway; he gestures towards the open doors, turning to Ruggie.

"Choose whichever one you want. No one will bother you in these," says Leona, watching as Ruggie pulls his suitcase into his room. "I'm gonna go sleep. There's leftovers in one of the kitchen if you get hungry. You can do whatever you want, just don't bother me unless something is burning down. Go wherever, just be back in time for the festival to tell everyone I'm not going."

"Sure, see ya," says Ruggie, only half-listening as he takes in his temporary room.

It's huge.

It's even bigger than his room at NRC. Distantly, Ruggie feels a little jealous at how wealthy  Leona is to have rooms like this and have no use for them. When someone like him, who's never had any sort of monetary support, see's just how lavishly Leona has been living—

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