sebek x gn!reader

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synopsis: sebek likes you. you like him. the two of you are too stubborn to say anything to each other and deny it back-to-back up until you give in and confess, and sebek does the same

"Do you think they've confessed yet?" asks Malleus, watching you and Sebek race across the track.

"No," says Lilia, watching the two of you with a grin, "definitely not."

Sebek was taking the lead around the last corner, as the stronger of the two, but he'd forgotten just how resourceful you could be—his arrogance blinded him to your sudden burst in speed as you surpassed him, crossing the line and huffing in irritation as he comes in second.

"Great time, prefect!" shouts Vargas from the sidelines, giving you a thumbs-up. You give him one back, smiling even though you've thoroughly exhausted yourself. Your triumph is short-lived as Sebek stomps up to you, scowling ferociously. It's gotten to the point where you're not fazed by his demeanor, opting to instead cross your arms and face him headfirst.

"Just because you beat me this once doesn't mean you're automatically better than me," he announces, staring you down.

"I never said anything about being better than you. Is that what you think? It seems like you're just projecting," you shoot back, giving him a glare.

"I—I do not think that at all!" counters Sebek, poorly. "In no world would I ever think highly of you!"

"Yeah, whatever," you say, apparently uninterested in humoring his conversation. "You keep telling yourself that. I, meanwhile, will go do something productive and be a good student and get good grades while you have your own little internal battle. See ya."

Sebek splutters as you walk away, face growing dangerously red. "Y-you can't just ignore me like that!"

"I just did. I'm not standing there and arguing with you all day," you mutter, walking off of the track to grab your water bottle.

"Afraid that I'm going to win?" he asks snidely, giving you a self-assured grin.

You snort. "As if. I don't think there's anything up there to be scared of," you say, pointing to his head. "Anyways. Like I said, gotta go be a grade-A student now."

These encounters with Sebek have become something very regular for the two of you. You're used to bickering with him nearly every second that the two of you are together, and even though you're both always ready to engage in another argument with each other, there's usually no heat behind it—just a bit of banter as friendly rivals.

Except for the fact that the two of you really, really like each other.

And the similar fact that the two of you showed this by being as mean as possible at any given moment to hide how much you liked each other.

You were getting kind of sick of dancing around that. You weren't really sure if Sebek would reciprocate, but there was only one way to find out, right?

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