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i've finally crawled out of my cave again. hi everybody

starting right now (6/9/2023) i'm taking requests!!! yippee!!! he's finally being productive again!!!

these are closing on monday (6/12/2023) at midnight, so whatever requests you want to see being written get them in NOW. i don't know when i'm gonna be re-opening requests again after this, so if there's something short you wanna see me write tell me!!

before you go, READ THIS PART: i will not be writing any requests that aren't requested specifically on this page. any and all requests sent to me on other chapters or in my inbox will not be written, no matter how cool you think they are. do not ask me why i didn't write your request if you didn't submit it to this page.

as always, please go read the rules and if you're scared about being specific with your request, don't be!!! the more you give me to work with the better!! i wanna hear what you want so i have a better idea of how to write it out.

please be warned that getting to all of your requests might take a while. i'm working on a few different series plus little personal projects plus i have a life outside of writing, so if you come into my inbox asking me why your request hasn't been written yet i'm gonna save myself some time and delete it from the queue <3

join my discord to watch me struggle doing the most simplest of tasks and to yell at me whenever you feel like it you can also share your own stories and fanart and whatever else on here too!! the server isn't anything fancy just letting y'all know beforehand

twisted wonderland one-shots (requests CLOSED! for now)Where stories live. Discover now