vil x goofy!gn!reader

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synopsis: reader is just constantly in a silly goofy mood and vil has the displeasure of trying to corral them back in like :)

(does twst have some version of jojo??? it's gotta have something like jojo. anyways it does now!)

"Hey, vil, lemme take a picture of you," you say, turning your phone towards him.

Vil gives you a look, then sighs and brushes his hair away from his face; you grin, knowing that he could never resist looking good for the camera.

"Alright, but make it quick," he says, as if he's crunched for time instead of just eating lunch with you. You nod, pretending to angle your phone and snap a quick picture.

You've actually got a picture of a clown pulled up instead, and as soon as you "finish taking a picture of Vil" you turn your phone around to show him.

"Look. I got the perfect shot," you say, forcing your grin to stay down.

As soon as Vil realizes what you're doing, he gives you a nasty glare. All you do is smile in return, then snatch your phone away before he can smash it.

"You're not funny," he says, keeping his hands by his sides in a weak attempt to keep himself from slapping you. You shrug.

"I'm kinda funny."

"Not even the slightest bit."

"Admit it, I am!"

"That's entirely out of the question."

"Epel thinks I'm funny," you say, watching as Vil's frown deepened; you loved bringing up the wild first-year whenever you could. Vil's eyelid twitches at the mention of Epel's name.

"Of course he thinks you're funny, he's got such a simple sense of humor. The two of you would make the perfect pair," he quips, crossing his arms.

You roll your eyes. "Sure, sure, whatever you say. Oh look, he's here now," you say, gesturing to the lavender-haired boy and standing up, dusting off your robes. "Guess I'll go be the perfect pair  with him now that he's here," you say, bowing dramatically and skipping away to greet the first-year.

Vil watches you go before going back to pretending like he doesn't care, scrolling through his messages and deleting old emails while he ignores you and Epel fooling around; you're looking like you're having a much better time with him than you were with Vil, which makes something unwanted throb in his chest.

He'd viewed you as nothing but a major pain in the ass at first. You were fairly inconspicuous the first day he'd met you, but it became astoundingly clear that you were only calm until you got comfortable around someone. The second  Vil had allowed himself to get friendly with you, he was hit with a barrage of antics that made his head spin.

He couldn't keep up with your energy. You had too much,  and while you were a good student he had no idea why you'd get placed in Pomfiore  of all places. Clearly, your eccentric style belonged elsewhere.

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