kalim x gn!reader

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a/n: this is set after book 4, the sole reason being that I Like Seeing Jamil Be Snappy. this became a bit more angsty than i expected it to (im a casual angst enjoyer) but the ending is fluff :)

Kalim knows that overlooking things was a common occurrence for him, but he'd never thought that he would forget something like this.

Earlier in the day, he had asked you out with the support of Jamil, who had hyped him up beforehand. Bravely, Kalim had approached you and in a rush of words, hoped that he got the message across while trying not to trip over his own sentences.

"Would—would you like to join me on the carpet tonight? I'd really like to have you there with me!"

You had smiled and said yes, bidding him goodbye as if nothing had just happened. You were too...calm.

For a moment, Kalim wondered if you weren't as excited for it as he was. This saddened him—would the date not go well?

It wasn't until he turned around to face Jamil's scrunched-up face that it finally clicked.

"Did I do something wrong..?" he asks timidly, watching Jamil's expression go from disappointed to downright pissed.

"What the hell was that?!" he exclaims, fists balled up. "You didn't even ask them out!"

Kalim deflates instantly, brows furrowing instantly. "What? Really?"

"Yes really! Now they think that you just want to hang out!" hisses Jamil, crossing his arms. "You need to tell them that you meant for it to be a date before you take them out so that they don't get any misconceptions," he states, staring Kalim down until he finally caves.

"Fine, fine, I'll go explain it to them," whines Kalim, internally anxious about having to confront you and confess again—this time, however, he was determined to make his point obvious.

He likes you, truly! He just wasn't the best at saying it. It wasn't that he had trouble expressing his feelings—far from it, actually—but whenever he tried to talk to you he just ended up saying the dumbest things. It was like his brain decided to take a vacation each time he tried communicating with you, which could get really frustrating, especially at a time like this.

It was a good thing you found him attractive despite that—or maybe you liked that part about him, too.

You'd been waiting for the right moment to tell Kalim how you feel, which was a feat of its own. He was so sporadic that it was difficult to tell when the time was right, but when you finally thought that you'd figured it out, he'd up and leave before you were able to get a single word out.

Truthfully, Kalim was downright skittish when it came to confronting his feelings and it made for a very difficult setting around you. He was barely able to sit still without thinking about how happy you made him, and how he hoped he made you happy, and how he wanted to stay by your side and make you feel absolutely perfect, and how the only thing he wanted was you

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