deuce x shy!male!reader

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synopsis: deuce and the reader like each other, and the reader owns this plushie that somehow deuce gets stuck in thanks to Magic. only then does he see the shy part of reader

also the reader is an upperclassman bc yuh. writing deuce for this one was so fun, he's one of my favorites :) this was an interesting request and writing it was fun for me!!

Deuce had never been insecure in his masculinity.

Sure, he'd done and said some pretty shitty things when he was younger, and while they might've been out of insecurity it was never about his masculinity. What was there to be insecure about, anyways? He was just fine the way he was.

His mom had raised him right.  Not only was he well-mannered despite his outbursts—which were far and few in between—but he'd never viewed things that others in his community saw as strange or outlandish as inherently bad things. There were things that people did that were different from the things he did, and that was fine because it wasn't hurting anyone.

That's why, when he started taking a liking to you, he didn't think twice about it.

Everything was still normal to him, except for the fact that he was now acting a little strange around you.

Ace was the first to pick up on it, because of course  he is.

"Dude, what was that?" he asks Deuce after the navy-haired student had stuttered thrice in the same sentence while wishing you a nice day. "Are you sick or somethin'?"

"N-no..." mumbles Deuce, watching you walk away. "Just got a little bit nervous."

"Of what?" asks Ace, incredulous. "All you did was say hi! What's to get nervous about?!"


"What?" asks Ace, already exasperated. He narrows his eyes, slowly starting to piece everything together. " you like  him?"

Sheepishly, Deuce nods, cheeks heating up as Ace gawks at him in surprise.

Ace doesn't really know what to say. He stares at Deuce for a moment longer, thinking hard about how to not come off as insensitive. "I had no idea that you were into...upperclassmen," he says, watching Deuce shrug.

"It happens, I guess. I'm just surprised that I don't have any competition," says Deuce, watching you talk and laugh amongst your friends at a different table.

"Yeah..." says Ace, looking at you too. Now he  was wondering why Deuce didn't have much competition, because he could definitely see why he'd want to go after you. "Anyways, uh, good luck, I guess."

Deuce tears his eyes away from you long enough to look at Ace, confusion clearly painted across his face. "Good luck with what?"

Ace stares back, dumbfounded. "Wh—with asking him out, dumbass!"

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