vil x male!reader

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synopsis: you and vil have a secret relationship thing going on and somehow, you're both outed, and the reader believes that he's going to have to break up to keep vil's image "clean", but vil refuses to go through with that

a/n: this one is a lil bit personal to me bc as a bi boy it is my worst fear for someone else to out me when im not prepared

You were waiting outside of Vil's studio, tapping your foot anxiously and trying to keep your nerves under control.

The two of you were, admittedly, in a bit of trouble.

Because of Vil's work, the two of you barely got any time together—less so because no one knows that you're dating. They don't even know that Vil likes men, which was something that the two of you had wanted to keep under wrap because of how much problematic media it could attract. Even though you were a bit upset about not being able to see your boyfriend as often as you'd like to, you understand why you cant—his safety and career is too important to risk. You barely had time to even talk to him during school hours!

But two days ago, the two of you had decided to go on a secret date. It was supposed to be a quick thing just to spend a bit of time together because it had been almost a month since your last meeting—just grabbing some coffee and then hiding out in his car and catching up—but the long days apart had made the two of you just a tad bit too desperate for each other's contact, and you'd ended up making out in the backseat of his car, arms intertwined around each other and lips pressed close, completely blind to the rest of the world.

You felt like you could just melt in his arms and stay there forever. You thought that you wouldn't have to worry about anyone else peeking in on your private time and that had made you feel safe. It wasn't often that you were allowed to feel like this, not with Vil's image to uphold and your identity being kept safe, so when you'd drifted off with your boyfriend's head resting on your chest, there was nothing that you thought you would have to watch out for that evening.

Up until you saw both of your faces plastered across every news outlet the next day with bold headlines exposing the both of you to the world.

You had tried to contact Vil about it first, then Rook—he was the only one Vil had trusted with the nature of your relationship—then Vil's manager, who was convinced that the two of you were "very good friends". When no one picked up, you'd run yourself into a manic mess and while trying to come up with an out to this sudden affair and when you couldn't come up with anything to save either of your asses, you'd even cried a bit.

Now you were outside of Vil's studio, arms crossed and your mind firing scenarios at one hundred miles-per-hour as the anxiety rises and rises and rises.

Vil's image was the most important thing at stake here. Of course it was; he was the one who could be more easily recognized than you. Your face wasn't clear in the picture, but Vil's tell-tale blond and purple hair could be spotted from a mile away—there was no way to claim that it was anyone other than him in the shot. A large part of his job—not listed in the description but was heavily implied in each meeting and interview he had—was that he had to keep the illusion that he was a single, available man. After all, part of his charm was the fact that people believed he was obtainable, which was why he had gained such a large following. Above all, he needs to keep that illusion alive to convince people to support him.

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