epel x gn!reader

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a/n: just to preface, i know nothing about epel's village. i am pulling all info out of my ass as i write. i didn't play the harveston event. also, it wasn't specified, so reader and epel are not together as of the beginning of this. also i can't decide between scottish accent epel and country accent epel but this time im doing country accent epel :)

(I KNOW I SAID ID DO A SYNOPSIS but the request didn't specify much so this is just epel introducing everyone to u, they think you're dating, and then you actually start dating ajdfrhgdf)

"Thanks for letting me stay with you over break," you say, zipping up your bag. "I'll definitely help out around there to pay you back for it!"

"Oh, no, it's totally fine!" says Epel, smiling slightly. "We'd all really like to have you here! In fact, I think I'm a bit more excited 'bout this, actually."

"Either way, it'd be really cool to meet everything you grew up with! You said that your family works on a farm, right? I'd really like to see that, if it's alright with you."

Epel felt his face heat up a bit at your encouragement and willingness. "Y-yeah! Uh, it's really not much—I-I mean, it ain't bad, but it's, y'know...definitely not Pomfiore," he says bashfully, watching your heft your bag over your shoulder. 

You shrug, still smiling. "Don't see a problem there. We'll definitely find something to entertain us! Besides, not everything has to be perfect—actually, I think I'd really like getting away from all of...this," you say, gesturing to everything.

Epel nods empathetically. "I cannot agree more with you. I can only take so much of Vil before I loose my shit."

You roll your eyes but ultimately agree. "Sure, sure, I get that. Now c'mon, I don't wanna stay here any longer than I have to!"

A while later, Epel is leading you through the snow towards the house he grew up in, giddy with excitement. He really, really  hopes that he remembered to clean up his room before he left...

"Careful with the snow, it gets slippery through these parts," he warns you, shivering as another gust of wind almost knocks the two of you over.

"Yeah, I've noticed," you gripe, having almost toppled over multiple times before. You're practically sliding all over the stone path, struggling to keep your balance while Epel trots on. 

Your luck seems to end then and there. More wind and snow in your face helps you loose your footing and you fall flat on your ass with a grunt, blinking in surprise.

Epel can't stop the shocked grin that creeps onto his face. When you look up at him with a pout, he can't help but laugh, bringing his gloved hands up to his mouth to muffle the sound.

You cross your arms indignantly but fail to hide the way your face heats up at how cute  he is. Not that you'd tell him that—not unless you wanted to make things weird, anyways.

He extends a hand towards you and you take it, averting your eyes as your cheeks flush from the warmth you feel through the glove. He's got a firmer grip that you had expected, surprising you as he pulls you up without much effort on his part.

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