rollo x injured!fem!reader

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synopsis: reader is super hyper around rollo and he absolutely hates it but he's also in love with her but refuses to confess. it's like he's allergic to it or something. anyways someone overblots (classic excuse to beat the shit out of reader), reader almost dies, and rollo gets super sad and blames himself bc he wasn't there for her like she was for him but she lives and they're both happy :)

look. i know close to nothing on this man or on noble bell college so for the most part it'll be purely headcanons. i don't play the game often i just watch playthroughs whenever i need a refresher HELP so basically since i don't know much about him it'll just be him being down bad for the reader and the reader being kinda feral

Rollo sighs, watching as you spun around him in circles, swinging around your scarf and playfully letting the ends whack him every now and then. The rest of the students watch on in fear as the two of you make your way up the large set of stairs, you still dancing to some song only you can hear while Rollo walks by your side like a normal person.

Were it anyone else, Rollo probably would've already given you several scathing remarks on your behavior (and taken that stupid scarf away) but it's you,  and somehow he can't find himself saying much around you that doesn't sound like pure horseshit.

For the most part, he just lets you do your thing. Of course, he'd be willing to reign you in if you got too  out of control, but you're not technically  doing anything wrong, so he lets it slide.

You bounce back over to Rollo, momentarily stopping him in his tracks as you tie the scarf in a large ribbon around his neck, making sure that both sides were even and ignoring the slight scowl he's giving you at your antics in favor of fluffing the bow up.

"There," you say, smiling in a way that makes Rollo's face heat up, "now you're all prettied up."

He sniffs, pulling out his handkerchief in a half-assed attempt to cover up the redness that he's sure has start to spread. "I think it's time you returned to your studies. Thank you for the scarf," he says stiffly, watching you do a silly little bow and skip away, humming all the while. 

He takes the scarf off as soon as he looses sight of you, eyeing the nearby trashcan with interest. With a resigned sigh, he opts to hold onto it until he sees you again. He's definitely not keeping it because you're  the one that gave it to him. Nope, no way.

He'd been surprised by your boldness the first time you'd met, which had been an...interesting experience. You'd approached him with absolutely no fear, introducing yourself and shaking his hand without once stopping to think about who's  hand you were shaking. You'd shared that you were excited to be a part of his community and that you'd be looking forwards to getting to know him better, which he'd involuntarily shivered at. He'd snatched his hand away the second he could, folding it behind his back so he could discreetly wipe it on his robes while he greeted you to Noble Bell College.

As it turns out, you really were  looking forwards to getting to know him, because you'd seek him out almost every chance you got, always greeting him with that stupidly bright smile of yours and a wave.

He'd been really tough on you those first few weeks. Nothing you did was every above being criticized, but you'd just set your shoulders straight and took it all in stride, somehow managing to keep a positive outlook on your life, even when the things Rollo said got really close to downright insults—which, to be honest, most of them were only thinly-veiled.

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