azul x gn!reader

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a/n: i can't stand the capitalist but i'm also kinda curious to see where this one goes (reader is also the mc here) also now that the requests are getting more complex i'm putting a short summary here so ppl don't have to guess whenever they click on a chapter lmfao

synopsis: azul is tryna dig up dirt on the reader to get something to blackmail them but all he finds is nice stuff and he starts to like them the more he discovers (plus the twins being the twins) it became just a little angsty (plus a more assertive reader bc im in love w assertive readers) bc i'm physically incapable of not writing it sometimes

(also self aware floyd???? hm yes headcanon)

Azul was furious. 

He had pulled up every single file on your person—absolutely everything—and there was not a single thing he could find that he could use against you.

You were just so...nice.

You grades were spectacular, yet there was no sign of you cheating anywhere. Azul had scoured each test to see if he could find any evidence of you violating any rules but so far it didn't look like you had even sneaked a glance at another student's paper.

You were the leader of your own club and worked closely with the professors overlooking your work to the point where they trusted you enough to leave you unsupervised for long periods of time—how in the hell did you manage to let Crewel give you a key to his own office? What the hell was he on  to make a decision like that?

Your social media page was so clean that a virus would kill itself before even thinking about landing on your site. It was all just pictures of you surrounded with your friends looking happier than ever at various outings, smiling brightly in every picture with happy little captions in just about everything.

It was almost sickening  how carefree and excited to face the world you looked in each picture and video. What irked Azul the most was that there was absolutely nothing wrong  with anything that you posted. There was nothing for him to nitpick at, which was driving him up the wall because it meant that he had nothing to hold above you.

That didn't stop him, however.

The twins had formed a sort of inside joke about you—it was hidden in the looks they gave each other whenever they found Azul pouring over every document you'd signed your name on, but he recognized the meaning of it well enough.

Floyd, as vocal as ever, decided to make it abundantly clear to Azul—rather unhelpfully as well.

"Azul, you're obsessed with them! Just go ask them to marry you already," whines Floyd from his perch in the Octavinelle lounge.

Azul glares at him from over the rim of his glasses, straightening out your file. "That is not  why I'm doing this and you very well know it."

"Right, right, the blackmail, whatever," mumbles Floyd, obviously not as interested in what Azul was doing as much as why  he was doing it. "You gonna embarrass them into being your date?"

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