riddle x rulebreaker!gn!reader

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a/n: the title is kind of self-explanatory, but it's just riddle falling for a reader (not prefect this time) who has a penchant for being able to break almost every single rule (along with the typical anxiety that comes with liking someone you think you're not supposed to)

Riddle usually believed himself to be a fair, albeit strict dorm leader. All problems presented to him were usually solved within the minute, and troublemakers were taken care of without much fanfare. He believed that there was a civil solution to everything, even if he had to use his unique magic to get things to calm down. 

Right now, though, he wanted to resort to plain old violence.

Somehow, you had managed to get onto every nerve  and had been doing so for the past school semester.

You were brash, loud, and incredibly  prone to breaking every rule that Riddle set down. It seemed like you had taken the list, memorized it, and were on a crusade to break each and every one of them—and you didn't bother to hide it, either. You were unusually honest about everything you said, thought, and did, and it drove Riddle absolutely mad.

"Why haven't you gone on with your duties?" asks Riddle, looming over where you sit at the table. "Do you not remember rule number two hundred and seventy-one? 'One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of finishing their lunch'," he recites, icy grey eyes boring into your own. 

You shrug. "I don't see anyone else using it. It's not a crime to take up an empty seat, is it? Why don'cha join me?" you ask, patting the seat next to you. 

"Absolutely not! You will leave this very instant!" announces Riddle, arms crossed.

You roll your eyes. "Y'know, for someone who's as cute as you, you can be a real pain to hang out with sometimes."

Riddle's face turns bright red at that. He does an awful job covering it up, stumbling over his words and making wild gestures, trying to come up with something to get at least a bit of his dignity back but you're already leaving, slinging your bag over one shoulder and sauntering away while he stews in his anger and embarrassment.

You'd been doing this all the time to get out of trouble. To you, flirting came naturally, and it was no surprise that you were able to reduce Riddle to nothing more that a stuttering mess each time you needed to get yourself out of trouble.

Riddle, however, was growing tired of always coming out on the short end of each argument. 

He remembers that interaction vividly as he stomps over to you, snatching your cup of coffee out of your hand with a nasty glare.

"It is forbidden to drink coffee within this dorm! The only  things allowed are tea and water!" he barks, pulling the coffee away from your reach.

"Man, can't you loosen up a bit? It's not like it'd kill you if I get myself a pick-me-up," you mumble, the sleep—more-so, the lack of it—evident in your eyes. "Listen, cutie, I'm not heading to class without my coffee after the night I've had. Hand it over."

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