rollo x esmerelda!gn!reader

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synopsis: it's just rollo and reader being opposites while you plan a festival :) it's just student council shenanigans tbh and since i couldn't really come up for a way to incorporate esmerelda into this is just. the reader has her personality (hopefully i wrote it right) and i take full advantage of teasing the catholic man at every turn

it's not explicitly stated that they're dating but it's like. they're most definitely in a situationship. they're together but they never say it. they're the yee to the other's haw. shit like that

Everyone was staring at you and Rollo as a nervous silence falls over the room, watching you cross your arms and refuse to back down.

"...What did you say?" asks Rollo, looking a bit shocked himself.

"I said no. That's a bad idea, Rollo, and it's not going to work out. You're overestimating the student's abilities—and yours—to be able to pull something like this off in just a few days. Just stick to the original schedule and everything will go fine. Why do you want to get rid of the dance so bad, anyways?" you ask, crossing your arms.

All of the onlookers are waiting for Rollo to explode on you. He'd earned the title of Student Council's President by being smart and ruthless, and that extended towards everyone—including you. It's no secret that you and Rollo are a bit closer  than the rest of the student body is with him, but even then he's never been one to go easy on anyone he considers a friend.

Now that the two of you are familiar with each other's boundaries, that's more of an opening for Rollo to be just as hard, if not harder on you than he is with others.

"There could be something else to stand in for the dance—something educational," he says, crossing his arms as well. "There is no reason to fill a student's head with nothing but nonsense."

"They're students, Rollo. Work is important, but so is having a little bit of time off to wind down. I'm not changing my mind. I still think it's a bad idea to take that away," you say firmly.

"Then stand by that while I stand by my own opinion. You'll see later how this is beneficial for the school," he states, almost smugly.

"It's beneficial that you have no free time to spend with your friends and have fun? Who else here thinks that that's a good idea?" you say, addressing everyone around you. The students all look at you, then to each other, murmuring amongst themselves.

"Give them their free time! There is no reason that students should have to be miserable! What good could possibly come of that?" you exclaim, listening to some students start to agree with you, albeit quietly.

Rollo bristles at your boldness. He admires your resolve...just not when it's going against his.

"Out of the question. Under no circumstances will I allow the students of this school to participate in such a frivolous, useless activity that will bring us nothing but rambunctious ideas and poor judgement. This is final," he announces, and is irked to find that many students have taken to voicing their disagreements with him.

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