riddle x mad hatter!fem!reader

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synopsis: reader, who is from rsa, keeps showing up at heartslabyul to mess with riddle. she quite clearly likes him but is waiting for riddle to make a move back (because he likes her and is really obvious about it but thinks that he's subtle)

a/n: i am so tired and it shows here lmfao sorry

Oh great, the clown is back, thinks Riddle, watching you appear side-by-side with Che'nya as the two of you happily bounce into the garden. He brings his cup up to his mouth, hoping that by some miracle, you'll completely overlook him and bother someone else, but—nope, you're heading right in his direction, grinning and hopping along with energy that Riddle absolutely cannot reciprocate right now.

"Queen Rosehearts!" you announce as loudly as you can, much to Riddle's chagrin. You sweep the tall hat off of your head, lowering yourself in an overly dramatic bow before popping right back up and continuing your march to invade Riddle's personal space.

"I'd appreciate it if you weren't so boisterous about seeing me," he grumbles, setting his cup back down. You ignore him, sitting right on the arm of his chair and throwing your legs over his lap, still grinning cheekily.

"What would be the fun in being boring about it?" you say, leaning forwards to get into Riddle's space. "My favorite people always  get better introductions, you know. Why would you want me to be quiet about it? Not everyone is on your level, you know, and they must  know that."

"Well, I'm quite glad that I'm considered a favorite of yours," Riddle tells you, looking away when he starts to blush at your proximity. "But I do have to ask you to keep your voice down. This is a tea party, not a circus."

"Wrong!" you say in that sing-song voice of yours. "It's an Unbirthday  Party, Riddle. These things can't be all prim and proper! Where's that mouse?" you ask, starting to lift off the tops of each teapot to look inside.

"Ah, hello," says Trey, grinning as he watches you reach for every teapot within your radius while you stay firmly put on Riddle's chair. "It's nice to see you again. Come to join us?"

"Trey!" you exclaim with a gasp, face lighting up. "How wonderful, you're here! Where's the mouse?"

"Try the blue teapot," he says, oblivious to Riddle's obvious discomfort—or maybe he's just ignoring his dorm leader for the time being.

You nearly tip over as you reach for the teapot, letting out a little sound as you feel Riddle's hands clasp your waist to keep you from falling over while you drag the teapot back towards you.

"Thanks, Riddle. You sure saved me there," you tell him, then plant a kiss on his cheek before he can tell you to be more careful. Trey chuckles at the way Riddle goes tomato-red, trying his best to look unaffected by the kiss (and failing).

"Please try to be more careful," he tells you, watching you play with the little brown mouse in your hands. You ignore him, letting the mouse climb over and under your fingers, giggling as it noses at the fabric of your sleeves and letting it crawl onto your arm, holding still as it explores the folds of your clothes.

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