azul x mermaid!fem!reader

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synopsis: kind of an au? reader took the fall for something she didn't do and gets kicked out of prince rielle's kingdom or smthn. azul takes her in and now they're bffs (and kinda want to date but neither of them are very good at communicating that until they do)

a/n: kind of worldbuilding??? in this au no one goes to nrc and it's not even mentioned, it's just sea kingdoms fighting ig. there's rielle's kingdom, another unnamed kingdom, and azul's coven and i barely elaborate on any of them lmfao also since idk anything about rielle most of this is just made up, nothing is really taken from canon on him for this one-shot

tw: mentions of sleeping drugs

Azul listens to your story, looking grim as you finish. You'd been accused of treason—letting a captured spy free before he could confess to any of his secrets and watching as he goes to take down nearly a quarter of your army with what he'd learned. Hundreds of deaths, dozens more injured, and all fingers pointing towards you.

You hadn't been the one to do that, of course. The Prince had.

You'd always suspected that his kindheartedness would get him into some serious trouble. Someone would take advantage of him while he was off in his fantasy world where everything is okay and everyone gets along and everything could be taken at face value.

Prince Rielle had fallen for the spies sugary words and heart-breaking story and found himself, against your advice, spending more and more time with the imprisoned spy. The spy had drawn Rielle in close with his web of lies, day by day, until he was able to convince the foolish young merman to set him free—and as soon as he had, he'd turned around and used what he'd learned before he was captured to deal a devastating blow to your kingdom.

In part, you understand why Rielle wouldn't want to be the one to have all of the blame dumped onto him—but why did he have to shove it all on you?

You'd laughed bitterly when Rielle conjured up a sob story about how he'd tried to get you to stay away from the spy, sobbing into his father's arms about how sorry  he was that he'd trusted you.

When your verdict came in, you could only stare at Rielle while he looked down at his fins, unable to meet your eyes. He'd been your closest friend and the one who'd stabbed you in the back when things went wrong; you were happy to see the guilt eating him alive as your lifetime of banishment was announced. You'd supposed that he was to thank in part for not getting your lead lopped off, as you'd expected, because as much as he wanted to get away without any consequences, there was still something inside of him that didn't want you to die for his actions.

"I'm glad I'll never have to see your face again," you announce as a pair of guards begin to escort you out. "You're a coward, Rielle! I hope you figure out a way to live with what you've done!" you shout, watching Rielle's face crumple into tears as you're dragged out. A small jar is popped open beneath your nose and you inhale something mildly sweet before your consciousness slips away.

You're taken somewhere far, far away. When you wake up, you don't exactly recognize where you are, but you know the place—the wastelands, far away from the place you'd once called home. 

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