rook x gn!reader

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a/n: rook is fucked up in this one. he's absolutely sick in the head. once again, the part of me that likes dark writing is taking over

synopsis: rook stalks the reader and the reader freaks out. along with epel and grim, they decide to form a plan to keep rook from finding them. now it's rooks turn to freak out bc he's got no idea where his darling trickster is, and it ends up with him realizing his feelings for them and so he starts flirting w reader, but it's very...awkward. reader is once again freaked out but also strangely flattered (and also begins scheming). this is not the healthiest relationship lmfao they're definitely both fucked up but y'know its always fun to write like this (at least it is for me)

tw: stalking, unhealthy relationships

this one is definitely on the darker side. reader isn't innocent at all and rook definitely does shit he's not supposed to, and while the ending is "happy" it's nowhere near healthy so beware (also tw for mentions of murder)

"He's doing it again," whispers Epel from behind the book he's covering the lower part of his face in.

You don't look up to where you know Rook is sitting, probably staring at you again. "Is he?"

"Yeah, but I almost made eye contact and I don't want him to know that I'm lookin' at him lookin' at you, so I dunno if it's safe to look up."

"Wasn't planning on it," you mutter, trying to act natural while fighting off the feeling of insecurity that came with being stared at.

Rook had been trailing you for the better part of a month now. Everywhere you went he went, everything you ate he ate, and for now it seemed like there would be no end to this. You didn't really know how to bring it up to others; they had all brushed it off as part of Rook's regular behavior, even though it was really starting to freak you out.

The only person who took you seriously was Epel, who was well aware of Rook and his borderline illegal tendencies and was ready to help you out whenever you needed it—to tell you the truth, Rook really freaked him out too.

The two of you had bonded over this strange occurrence and spent most of your time huddled together, hoping that Rook would give up and leave each time you narrowly avoided having to come into contact with him, but the challenge only seemed to make Rook more eager to seek out your company.

"Ah, Trickster!"

You feel your blood run cold, hoping that if you'd walk fast enough, maybe—

Unfortunately, life seems to have it out for you, because Rook catches up to you far too quickly.

Fuck you and your long legs!  you yell internally, forcing yourself to keep your face neutral. "Oh, hey Rook. Didn't see you there," you lie.

"It's absolutely wonderful to see you here!" says Rook, as if he didn't deliberately follow you from your last class.

"Uh huh," you say, praying to the Seven that the same meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs would come back and do the same to NRC to save you from the awkwardness that you know comes with each conversation with Rook.

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