yandere!neige x gn!reader

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a/n: first yandere story i've ever written :))) tell me what u liked abt it if u want to! personally i like writing kind of fucked-up things bc it gives me room for creativity and also i watched too many horror movies as a kid and im like this now (also since neige doesn't seem to be a very aggressive person im writing him a little differently than most yanderes r written bc i like to expand sometimes. also reader is prefect for the sole reason of almost no one knowing who they are bc they're not from that world. important to story)

synopsis: neige sees reader, instantly falls in love, and asks them out. reader, who has zero idea who he is, says absolutely not, so neige starts making posts and trying to get help from fans to score him a date with reader. this isn't a particularly happy fic, and as i've stated before im a huge angst fan so that's the menu for today

tw: stalking

note: neige is all fucked up in this fic. this is definitely not a healthy relationship that he's trying to force but he's going for it anyways, and even though he won't physically hurt the reader he's got other ways of trying to coerce them into dating him. also i just like writing fucked up things hehe

Neige doesn't think he's seen anything prettier than you in his lifetime.

Sure, there's Vil, his lifelong acting partner and best friend (at least, that's how Neige sees it), but Vil isn't you.  Not even one of the greatest actors of his time could hold a candle to your beauty.

He's captivated by you. All you did was walk past him during the NRC festival with your bag slung over your shoulder, looking around at the vendors stands for something to catch your eye, but it's like watching the most beautiful movie for Neige.

He's entranced each time you slowly gaze over each piece of merchandise, studying each one carefully and trying to choose what would most suit you. He's enamored when you pick it up, softly turning the small trinket in your delicate hands, looking closely at the details engraved in the sides before setting it down and moving onto another one.

The way you look, the way you move, the way you breathe—Neige thinks it's all so beautiful. He can't stop staring, no matter how many times he tries to force himself to look away and continue  on.

He needs to talk to you. He needs  to tell you how he feels. Surely this is love! What else could it possibly be? There's no other explanation for the way that Neige feels upon seeing you.

So true love at first sight does exist,  he thinks, overcome with emotion as he starts making his way over to you. The crowd is getting thicker, though, and it's getting much harder for Neige to make his way through without getting bumped into or stopped completely.

He desperately wants to call out your name. Desperately. The only problem is, he's got no idea what your name is,  so he can only watch helplessly as you shift your bag onto your other shoulder and turn to leave.

As you look back up from the trinkets, your eyes meet his. He gasps.

There. It's only for a split second, but he knows that you've seen him. Can you feel the connection that one tiny moment made? Surely you had, even though the second is over quickly and you disappear amidst the sea of people.

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