che'nya x gn!reader

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a/n: NOT THE CATBOY anyways since there's a lot that's been left unknown abt che'nya a lot of this is gonna b my own personal headcanons :)

reader is the prefect bc i wanted an excuse to start writing for grim. also i deserve emotional compensation for having to type out all those cat puns

synopsis: che'nya takes a liking too you and teases you when he's invisible, but riddle being your self-proclaimed bestie keeps "rescuing" you from him bc he knows that che'nya is nothing but trouble (for the sake of this fic the reader has never met che'nya)

"I'm glad you were able to join us," says Riddle, sitting at the head of the table as he overlooks the garden. You sit besides him, nodding along with Grim perched on your lap.

"It's nice being able to take a break," you say, shifting in your seat as Grim adjusts himself, kneading your legs. You ignore the little pinpricks of his claws through your pants in favor of finishing your thoughts. "Besides, I'd never turn down the chance for a peaceful afternoon with you—especially after everything that's been going on," you say, your voice lowering towards a mumble at the end.

"And we get free food!" exclaims Grim, reaching out towards the array of little cakes that have been set on the table upon your arrival.

"Grim! We gotta wait for everyone else!" you hiss, holding him in place before he can reach anything. 

"If Ace doesn't make it here on time, we can start without him," states Riddle flippantly, and you totally know he still has a bit of a grudge over that solid hit that Ace delivered right before his overblot.

"Right...what about Trey? Is he coming, too?"

"Yes, but he sent a message ahead of time to tell me he'd be a little late," says Riddle, crossing his arms. "If Ace had any tact, he would have done the same. Instead, we're stuck here merely wondering."

You nod along, not entirely sure what to say. You'd been put in a bit of an awkward situation, and Riddle's sour mood wasn't something you wanted to fuel when he was already about to run into a tangent. You give Grim a look, silently warning him not to do anything stupid.

Grim huffs and goes back to pricking your legs.

"Hey, dorm leader," huffs Ace, wiping the sweat away from his forehead as he jogs to a stop in front of you. "I'm not too late, am I?"

"Only by a half hour," says Riddle, eyes narrowed. "I'd discipline you, but I'd rather not upset my guest. Consider yourself lucky today."

Ace rolls his eyes as he strides past Riddle to sit next to you, but the shiver that passes through him doesn't go unnoticed by you. He still remembers what it's like to have one of Riddle's collars around his neck, it seems.

He slumps in his seat, bored as you and Riddle continue to converse. Needing some sort of amusement, he reaches over and grabs the end of Grim's forked tail, giving it a quick tug before pulling his hand back just as fast.

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