neige x gn!reader

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synopsis: just a bunch of fluff with a side of bullying all of your friends :)

a/n: the last time i wrote neige it was. very interesting. so writing him without the whole "im obsessed with you" added in was kinda weird but he's a nice guy when he's not trying to drug and kidnap the reader :)

You were sitting on a bench in the gardens of RSA with Neige seated right next to you, humming a song of his while you kept declining calls from all of your friends back at NRC.

"Why don't you answer?" asks Neige, as if the boys wouldn't completely tear him apart. "You should say hi to your friends!"

"Yeah, they're not really the friendly type," you mumble, frowning as another call interrupts your screen. You sigh. Maybe you will answer this one, if only to tell them to fuck off.

As soon as you accept the call, Ace's face pops up on the screen with Epel's not too far behind him. You can see Deuce peeping out of the corner, getting violently elbowed away by his friends, while Jack sits in the background, looking unamused. You stare at the camera as your friends begin to shout, all of them attempting to be the only one heard by trying to see who could be the loudest. It was surely going to ruin the speakers of your phone.

"Alright, alright, I hear you," you grumble, scowling at the boys while Neige chuckles next to you, patting your hand. "What do you guys need? Is the school on fire? Is someone dying? If that's not if, I'm hanging up."

"Where are you?!"  shouts Ace, putting his face unnecessarily close to the camera.

"I'm at Royal Sword. Can you guys fucking chill for a second?"

"You're where?!" screams Epel, butting Ace out of the frame. "You traitor!"

"It's nice here! I don't have to deal with any of the shit you guys pull over there!" you shout back, watching Jack silently nod in agreement.

"Hey, we're not that bad. We just get a little...excited," says Deuce, barely coming into the frame before Ace kicks him right back out.

"Yeah, yeah, 'a little,'" you say with a scoff. "You know how much trouble I've gotten into because of you guys? A lot! Neige never gets me into any  trouble," you state.

"NEIGE IS THERE?!" everyone shouts, blowing up your speakers again. You groan, holding your phone away from your face. Neige giggles and tilts it towards him, giving your friends a wave.

"Hello, everyone!" he chirps, giving them all a bright smile. Ace makes a sour face at that.

"Don't try to act all nice 'n sweet now. I still remember how you stole the crowd at—"

Somehow, Rook's face pops into the frame. "Is that Neige?"

You stare down at your phone as everyone starts screaming and cursing again. Even Jack, who's said nothing so far, looks mildly worried at the sudden appearance of the hunter.

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