yandere!malleus x gn!reader

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synopsis: malleus kidnaps u. u decide to be completely normal about it. that's all folks

Slipping through the window and into your room is easy enough. Malleus has been inside of Ramshackle enough times to know the exact layout of the building—all of this knowledge proves to be useful as he'd scaled the side of Ramshackle and located your room from the outside, having watched you sleep for a few minutes before sliding the window open and stepping inside.

Malleus can't believe it's come to this. As he approaches your bed, there's a bit of guilt pooling low in his stomach at the thought of what he's going to do—and at the knowledge that if he decides to back out at any time after you wake up, it'll still be too late.

He shoves that thought down. Why would he want to back out? He's never been anything but confident in his decisions, and right now he's confident that doing this is the best course of action. There's no room to doubt himself—not when he's so close to finally showing you everything that you could be with him.

He tells himself that he's doing the right thing when he slips the sheets off of your body and slides you into his arms, lifting you right up with practiced ease. You'll simply get hurt again if you stay here—that's right, six of your friends had overblotted and nearly gotten you killed, so doing this is merely a safety precaution with the added bonus of getting to keep you near at all times.

You'll be upset when you wake up, of course, but Malleus will make sure that you completely understand why he has to do this. It's for your own good! Besides, the two of you have always gone had-in-hand together—Malleus Draconia, Prince of the Valley of thorns, and you, the Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, defenseless in nearly all manners and reliant on him to keep you away from any danger.

It's the perfect match.

There's no one around to question why he has a body in his arms as he appears in the halls of Diasomnia, carrying you all the way to his room and setting you down on his bed, cupping your face in his hand while you sleep. He's too excited to go to sleep next to you; the nerves bubbling up in Malleus' stomach keeps him wide awake, watching you for any sign of consciousness throughout the night.

It's morning when you wake up. You blink, bringing your arm up to shield your eyes from the light, and then they snap awake upon realizing that the light is coming in from the wrong side. You're not in your bed.

You sit upright, looking around in confusion. When your eyes, still blurry and focusing, land on Malleus, you frown.

"Where am I?" you ask, a bit unnerved by the way that Malleus is grinning.

"You're in my room," he tells you, shifting in place. It's strange, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. Malleus is a fae, after all, and you're not completely familiar with all of their rites and behaviors, so maybe there's something going on that he'll explain to you.

"Okay. Um, why am I in your room and not in mine?" you ask him, keeping your voice level.

"To protect you. Your friends are only placing you in danger—they are dangerous. You'll be a lot safer here," he says, sounding like it's the obvious answer.

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