leona x male!reader

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a/n: ik some ppl like a leona who's whipped for his gf but now that it's a male reader i decided that it's gonna be violent. leona is ur gf now congrats

synopsis: you and leona like to fight a lot bc ur the only person other than malleus who can go up against him without dying. it gets bloody oftentimes. leona may respect women but he doesn't give a shit about men until you fuck him up. he finds it super hot but won't admit it. it's just me writing y'all idk ALSO i being in some leona hcs in here to justify my writing lmao

tw: blood, violence (lots of it), talks of concussions, broken nose

i said no NSFW but i never said nothing about no fucking freaky ass y/n getting all up in someone's business. talking doesn't count. this is enemies to lovers type shit. leona is not in control. y/n said he's my girlfriend now. like that one song "somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend that i had in january"

ps reader is kinda mean in this one. they don't hold back hkfjhgbksdf

You grunt, your head snapping backwards as Leona lands a hit to your chin. You gain your footing just as quick as you lost it, dropping as Leona swings a leg out to catch you off-balance.

Leona's sent sprawling as you jump back up, hooking his leg over your shoulder and shoving forward until he falls flat on his ass, pinning his wrists above his head while you sit on his chest.

You grin victoriously as Leona struggles furiously beneath you, fists clenching and unclenching as you keep him pressed against the ground. You know you've won, but you let Leona drag it on for a bit longer, feeling his muscles bunch up under you with the tension of trying to break himself free.

He's strong, but you're probably stronger. You've been around Leona long enough to learn his dirty tricks, most of which include throwing sand in your eyes or trying to turn you into said sand.

"Aw, Leona, if I didn't know better I'd say you like getting beat by the number of times we've ended up like this," you coo, watching him turn red with rage. His struggles start up once more, fiercer this time, to the point where you have to lock your knees around his midsection to keep him still. You can tell that he's just itching to use his Unique Magic on you. "I thought you were strong,  Leona. What's happened? Don't tell me you're this easy to beat. I really thought you'd have more fight in you."

"Just wait. You'll slip up and we'll see how mouthy you are then," snarls Leona, giving you a nasty glare.

All you do is grin. "Sure. Have fun pushing me off, though," you say, making a point to press yourself harder against him.

Leona groans as his ribs are pressed on, finally giving up. "Fine. Get off and maybe I won't turn you into sand."

You sit back, letting go of Leona's hands but not getting off of him just yet. You watch him rub at his wrists, still glaring at you at the red marks that formed around them, then kick one of his knees up.

"Whaddya waitin' for? I said get offa me. You deaf or somethin'?"

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