malleus x fem!tomboy!reader

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a/n: don't ever listen to anything lilia tells u. its all lies. also guess what guys the worm is back

synopsis: malleus has been crushing on a tomboy reader and was given horrid advice on how to win her over, which eventually escalates to the reader being put into danger all so malleus can "rescue his princess." reader blows up on him and then they make up(out)

also sry for long wait im back :)

You huffed as you shoved yet another bouquet of roses into the recycling bin, having passed your point of irritation long ago.

This was the fifth time in two days  that Malleus had given you the stupid flowers. You'd been surprised the first time he'd done it, and on the second you'd begun to wonder if there was some sort of event going on, but after the third time you quickly became annoyed.

You didn't need flowers. You needed a form of sleep that actually made you feel rested and an explanation for whatever Malleus thought he was doing.

Unfortunately for you, it seemed that Malleus wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"What now? I don't think this is working," says Malleus, crossing his arms as he stares Lilia down.

"Patience, Malleus. Things don't happen all at once for a reason," says Lilia, sitting back cooly even while Malleus bores hole into his head. "Persistence is key, though. The more you keep it up, the more she'll know that you really mean it."


"Of course! No girl can resist a man like that!"

He was wrong, of course.

You weren't like other girls. You'd been essentially kidnapped from your hometown by unseen forces and dropped into the middle of a school with students that were one wrong step away from exploding into multiple homicidal rages, and the headmaster expected you  to fix it all for him unless you wanted to end up as a homeless teen again.

It's not really the kind of stuff other girls got into.

In all honesty, you wouldn't have minded the attention from Malleus if it was coming in literally any other form. The flowers were nice at first, but it quickly got out of hand and you were just plain annoyed by it. It was a shame that you couldn't keep them all, but it's not like Ramshackle had tons of vases you could use.

Besides, more than anything, you just wanted him to talk to you.

After a while, it had become kind of obvious that you and Malleus had mutual feelings for each other—Malleus hadn't figured it out yet, but you were already getting there.

You figured that you liked him just as much as he liked you. The two of you were close friends, but you'd wanted something more—something that Malleus didn't entirely understand.

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