azul x violinist!gn!reader

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synopsis: azul plays the piano. you play the violin. naturally, he'd like a duet with you

a/n: thank u guys for ur patience!! this one was so much fun to write, partially bc i love writing for characters like him and partially bc i was a concertmaster for my previous orchestra and it's so nice to be able to write for a violinist mc!! definitely within my area of interest :)

another a/n: we got hit by two fucking tornados bruh ive been taking as many drawing commissions as i can to help pay for the damages(WE KIND OF LOST OUR FUCKING ROOF) my bad this one is so late i'll be posting more regularly(maybe)

"Prefect," you hear, "Prefect, I've got a deal for you."

You simply shake your head, not even turning away from your phone. "You know how I feel about your deals."

Azul stops in his tracks with a wince; perhaps his choice of words wasn't the best just then. "Well—you know—it's not really a deal, it's more of a...proposition. Yes, a proposition, that's all."

You finally look up as he sits on the edge of your table, turning your phone off and giving him a dry, unimpressed up-down. "Sitting up there isn't gonna want to make me say yes more."

"You don't even know what it is." Azul crosses one leg over the other, lacing his fingers together, and gives you a smile that's a bit too pleasant. "Don't you want to at least hear me out first?" His voice is high and soft, welcoming and open, almost curious—it would draw you in, if you didn't know any better. You do know better, though, and with that thought securely in mind you still lean closer, because knowing better means that you'll see through any tricks he may be building up.

"What makes you think I want to know what it is?"

There's a shine in his eye that means that he's found a reason to debate. He closes his eyes behind his glasses; you can already see the argument-not-argument swimming around in his head, something to draw you in to asking and then taking the next step forward and actually plunging into whatever contract he's hiding behind his teeth.

"I feel that's within your realm of interests."

"How so?"

He sits up a little straighter, running his tongue over his lips. You feel satisfied. He's not getting much from you just yet—he'll have to reveal more before getting you to agree to whatever it is he's got in mind. You've known him for long enough to know that he prefers to have all of the information so that he can play his cards just right, and you also know that he knows that you know how to play this game.

"I feel that we would be beneficial for one another."

"On what scale?"

"Moderate. It's not academic."


"Mm, it would help with my business—and it would give you more exposure."

"In what regard? Exposure isn't always a good thing. I wouldn't want to get arrested for public indecency, you know."

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