idia x streamer!gn!reader

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synopsis: reader is a gamer who's well-known within wherever they live, and idia happens to be their number one fan. reader gets sorted into ignihyde and now idia is loosing it

a/n: i kinda drifted and write this from ortho's pov bc i thought it would be interesting to see how the reader and idia's relationship from someone else's perspective :)

"Hey guys!" you say into your microphone, putting your headphones on as the chat explodes with greetings. "Glad to see so many people here today! Wow, there sure are a lot of you," you say, watching your numbers climb.

Idia is nestled somewhere in the list of names in the chat, shooting out a few messages and feeling the anxiety in his chest rise as your eyes follow along, smiling at everyone's messages. Rationally, he knows that you probably won't see him, but he's still holding out hope that you'll recognize his name from the number of time he's watched your streams.

He watches you pull up a game that he already beat a while back, smiling as the loading screen appears and talking about how excited you are to start and which characters you're curious about and so on. He's tempted to give you a few tips through the chat, but he doesn't want to spoil anything for you—that certainly wouldn't give him a good look. He'd never do something like that to you.

Idia has to tell himself not to get too  personal with his thoughts. After all, that would only lead to something more destructive, like creating a parasocial relationship with you. That's wouldn't be very good at all.

He watches you excitedly play through your game, talking into your microphone each time another enemy appears on-screen and joke around during the battles. You make everything so light-hearted that Idia can't help but stay for the entirety of the stream, even though it's nearly three in the morning.

"Alright guys, I think that's all I'll be doing for today. I've got some important stuff coming up soon, so I might not do any streams for a while, but I'll keep you guys updated! Stay safe!" you chirp, waving one last time before closing the stream.

Idia sighs, pulling his headphones off. He follows all of your social media pages religiously but just in case he misses something—which the chances of are incredibly slim—he'll just have Ortho search the internet for any sign of a change that you've made.

(Ortho hates doing that. He really does hate it. He's seen your face so many times that he just knows he's going to split a wire or two if he has to look at you again.)

There's nothing but silence on your end for a week after that. Idia is beginning to get restless; usually, you would've posted something on one of your pages or sent out a quick video of whatever you're doing at the moment, but there's nothing  anywhere. 

Idia has to force himself to pull away from you. He knows that his interest in you is beginning to border on an obsession and as captivated as he is, he refuses  to fall into a pattern that he's seen happen with many other people who started out as casual media enjoyers. Besides, you're entitled to your own private life, and as curious as Idia is, logically he knows that there's no way he can encroach on whatever's going on outside of your streams and vlogs. It wouldn't be fair of him to expect so much out of you when you're merely doing it for fun and a bit of revenue.

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