grim x platonic!male!reader

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synopsis: the reader has finally found a way back home. everyone is so happy that they're going to be reunited with their family and friends. everyone except for grim, of course. he doesn't want the reader to leave but he's too scared to say anything because he doesn't want to ruin their happiness. just a lot of angst basically :) but i did want to add some comfort bc i wanna practice writing that too

You couldn't get to Ramshackle fast enough. You burst through the door, speeding up the stairs, shouting.

"Grim! Grim, guess what!" you yell, looking around for your companion. "GRIM!"

"What?!" he shouts from where he's sleeping on your bed, stretched out over your pillow. Great Seven, what the hell is even going on?

You nearly break down the door to your room, face alight. You jump onto the bed, crawling over to Grim and pulling him to a sitting position, still smiling. "Guess what?"

"What?" snaps Grim, clearly not happy about being woken up from his tenth nap of the day.

"I'm going home! I'm finally going home!" you exclaim, eyes shining.

Grim's heart drops.

He doesn't hear anything you say after that. Everything has become fuzzy—you're leaving? Like, truly leaving?, that can't be right. You're not really leaving, are you?

But you are. The look on your face says it all; you're going to leave, and by the looks of it, soon.

"I can't wait to see everyone. I hope they're all okay! I really did miss—Grim? All good?" you ask, suddenly realizing how spaced-out he'd gotten.

"Yeah, all good," says Grim, shaking himself out of it and putting on a smile that feels too fake for you. "That's great, prefect! When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow," you say, smiling while Grim feels something inside of him break. You don't seem to notice how quiet he's suddenly gone, too caught up in grabbing your things and talking to yourself. "Will I be allowed to bring anything back? Am I gonna have to leave all my stuff, or can I have something to keep as a memento? Damn, do I have to start packing?"

Grim spends the next few hours feeling numb. He's barely processing anything happening, too caught up in his own thoughts to celebrate the last few hours he'll spend with you. He watches you laugh with your friends while they congratulate you, patting you on the back and wishing you well and acting like there's nothing at all wrong with you leaving.

Which, in reality, there isn't. This isn't your world and this isn't your school, but Grim doesn't know how he can continue like this without you by his side. The two of you were assigned as a pair—that's the only way you'd be considered a full student, but you found that you really didn't want to separate yourselves, either.

You worked better together, after all. When Grim was taken away from you and stowed in that one instance with Idia that you didn't really like thinking about, you were downright distraught and had done everything in your power to bring him back.

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