leona x gn!bimbo!reader

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a/n: my other favorite type of reader to write. it's on the same level as scary/dominant reader. perfect request 10/10

synopsis: reader is a mean, dramatic bimbo who's only nice to leona and idia. leona catches them being dramatic and in love with him A La Rook Style, they get embarrassed and go tell bestie idia about it, and get some comfort. then leona confronts them with the worst "i like you too" anyone could've ever delivered

i had too much fun writing leona in this one omfg i like to think that he has no idea how much regular items cost (is that canon??? idk) also i have no idea how much madol currency works just roll with it ok

"Leona!" you call out in a sing-song voice, trotting down the hall to where the disgruntled lion was trying to hide. "Hi Leona!"

"Seven, couldn't they have sent someone else to this world? Anyone else," he gripes, trudging a bit faster as you follow him.

You gasp dramatically, placing a hand over your heart. "That's cold, Leona! How could you possibly think that someone else would be a better prefect than I?"

Leona ignores you, walking even faster in hopes of getting rid of you. Persistently, you stick by his side, chatting all the while.

"...and I just cant believe  how silly some of the stuff I had to fill out was. What's the purpose of creating a 'reflection' after each potion we make? It's already made,  why do I need to think about it any more?"

Internally, Leona agrees with you; he's always hated the extra work. Externally, he's growling.

"You got somethin' important to say? Get lost," he says with a huff, shoving his hands into his pockets and leaving you behind. You wave goodbye at him with a smile anyways, bouncing off to tell Idia about your interaction.

Idia barely looks up as you barge into his room, kicking his door wide open and plopping yourself down onto his unmade bed, looking up at your friend with a grin.

"I talked to Leona again today," you boast proudly, smoothing out your uniform.

"Sure, sure, make yourself comfortable," says Idia, not looking away from his computer screen. Despite being what amounts to the world's biggest shut-in, Idia had somehow taken a liking to your loud, colorful personality and had become a close friend of yours. Your willingness to be bright and outgoing was a nice contrast to his quiet and shyer mannerisms—although, it was an understatement to say that you didn't get excited whenever Idia would go on one of his hobby-driven rants. Sometimes, despite the valley in between your personalities, the two of you were pros at insulting anyone who decided to cross either of you.

"It was nice. I think I might do it again," you say, ignoring his quippy comment.

Idia finally tears his eyes away from his game, giving you an unimpressed raise of an eyebrow. "Did you talk to him talk to him,  or did you just follow him and blabber away?"

You look up from where you lay, puzzled. "Doesn't any talking count as talking? He paid attention to me this time, though."

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