leona x shy!male!pomefiore!reader

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synopsis: reader is a second year in pomefiore and also besties with ruggie. he gets invited to be the manager of the magift club and helps to organize things within, but he also has lots of difficulty talking to people he doesn't know. he and leona start hanging out and they eventually catch feelings :)

a/n: shy reader isn't really my thing but this was definitely good practice!!

"C'mon, it'll be really fun! Besides, we really  need someone to keep the team in line, and you're perfect for that!" says Ruggie, trying to convince you.

"I'm not sure...I mean, I'm not a magift player, so what would I know about being manager? Besides, I'm not great with lots of people at once. There's gotta be someone else you can ask," you plead, but Ruggie is having none of it.

"Nope, you're the only one I want there. Everyone will love you! There's nothing to worry about," says Ruggie, grinning as you give him a hesitant nod.

"I'll...I'll think about it. Don't get your hopes up!" you warn him, even though it's impossible to smile as well.

When you appear at the next magift practice, standing next to Vargas and listening to him call everyone over, Ruggie can't stop grinning.

You're introduced as the new manager, shyly waving to everyone while Vargas explains your new duties and names out each player, who gives you a nod. You're feeling pretty awkward standing in front of the entire team, but Ruggie's subtle thumbs-up makes things a bit better; at least you already know someone on the team. That's better than nothing.

For the most part, you're ignored for the first few days. You help the boys with their warm-ups and hand out water whenever it's needed, but they don't interact with you too much and you're content with not being the center of attention. It's the opposite of what Ruggie had intended to happen, but you're happy with staying out of the spotlight.

That position belongs to Leona, anyways. He had the confidence that you lacked, even if it meant that it also brought tons of arrogance along.

He was made to be a leader. You could see it in the way that he ordered people to their positions, and how he'd take charge of each activity or how he'd grab the attention of all of his teammates without having to try to. You were in awe at how much power he held over these students and how much enthusiasm he could pull out of them with the way he worded things.

You wished you could talk to him, but you were well aware of how not only was he a bit of an unstable individual and how he felt about people from Pomefiore. The two dorms were complete opposites and you know that you weren't seen as anything but a frilly boy who's head was filled with nothing but clouds and perfume—which was why you were immediately on edge when a group of boys approached you during a water break.

"You're from Pomefiore, ain'tcha?" asks one of the boys, giving you a grin that you're not sure is friendly or not. You return it with a shake one of your own, hoping that they'd leave soon.

"Sure am," you say, grateful that you didn't stutter.

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