idia x dense!reader

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a/n: kind of a long wait compared to the other one-shots ive done but im up and running again :)

Idia loved his little brother. Truly, he did.

Sometimes, however, he found himself wanting Ortho to shut his damn mouth around you.

The two of you had met at a meeting for the Board Game Club after caving to Azul's pestering, but he quickly lost your attention as soon as you met Idia. Idia wasn't too keen on someone else joining the club's meetings with no prior notice, but luckily for him you weren't nosy enough to get on his nerves. In fact, you turned out to be a really good listener—something Idia realized only after he rambled on about his favorite anime when you asked him about it, which was getting a live-action movie that he was certain  would completely flop.

You'd sat through it all, nodding along and keeping all of your attention on him as he rambled on. To be honest, you were only half-listening to what he was saying; you found him attractive, and that was enough reason to keep listening instead of leaving once you got bored—although, Idia was so animated  while talking that it was hard to lose interest.

You kept coming to the Board Game Club meetings—not to play the games, much to Azul's chagrin, but to see Idia. Some days he'd hide behind his tablet and use that to communicate, but on the days that he was feeling a little braver he'd speak to you face-to-face with only minimal stuttering. 

Time and time again he'd expected for you to laugh in his face for the things he liked and how passionate he was about such trivial things, but you always encouraged him to keep talking and explain the little things that you didn't understand. You, of course, understood all of it, but you just wanted to see him light up with excitement whenever he got the chance to talk to you about something he likes.

Eventually, you'd progressed to meeting outside of the Board Game Club, which was a huge  step for Idia.

He almost never left his dorm unless it was absolutely impossible to get around it, but he'd begun to make a few exceptions if he knew that you'd be there. He liked you—really  liked you—but when it came to trying to make a move, he was utterly hopeless.

Idia hated  going out. He had always been socially awkward around people he didn't know, and his anxiety ran rampant when he didn't have anything to hide behind, especially  when his intrusive thoughts managed to convince him that other people were picking him apart behind his back.

His self-consciousness was one of the main reasons he refused to leave his room. He was completely certain that other people would only make fun of him and his looks to the point that he made preconceptions of how people would act around him and what to expect before they even got to meeting him—it was a cycle that he didn't see a way out of.

But when you'd asked him to go out on a shopping trip, looking up at him so sweetly that he nearly melted on the spot, his brain fried itself and he said yes on the spot.

Ortho had to drag him out of his bed. Idia had blatantly refused  to get out on his own the day of the meeting, even though he wanted nothing more than to see you again. 

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