idia x gn!reader

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synopsis: idia likes the reader, who's always friendly to him even though he's kind of shut-off. he closes in on himself even more when he realizes that he likes the reader and ortho tells the reader that idia doesn't like lots of people and that's why he hides, which makes the reader start to doubt themselves and keep their distance. ortho, being a great brother, tries to get them to reconcile.

also trein is in here bc i like student teacher relations. he's an ally when it comes to the ships. he's the real wingman here. he's my favorite blorbo from my japanese otome game

"Are you gonna stay longer or d'ya have work to finish?" you ask, leaning back in your chair.

"I, uh, I can stay," says Idia, keeping his eyes trained on his game. You nod, looking out the window and noticing how dark it became.

"Alright, just asking 'cause it's getting pretty late 'n I don't wanna keep you."

"You're not keeping  me," says Idia, still focused on his game. "If I didn't wanna be here I would've left."

You smile. He's not nearly as shy when he's playing his games, which you enjoy tremendously—you like hearing him talk confidently. 

It's not often that you get to hang out with Idia. He's notorious for hiding in his room for full days, attached to a screen and rejecting anything that has to do with leaving the dorm. After lots of pestering, you and Ortho had managed to finally pull him out so that he'd socialize with you normally, which was a feat on its own.

You'd confided in Ortho about your feelings for his brother, which he had been able to keep secretive surprisingly well. He was glad to see that his brother was finally getting some bitches.

"What game are you playing? I don't think I recognize it."

You don't fail to see the way that Idia perks up at the mention of his handheld game, his eyes flickering over to you for the slightest moment. You recognize the way his head raises slightly and his eyesight becomes clearer, focused—he's about to recite everything he knows about this game to you.

"It's a new first-person shooter. The demo came out five months ago but the whole thing came out last week, so I really had to rush to get a copy before they ran out but I got it,"  he emphasizes, shaking the console slightly. "You play as a survivor in an abandoned school most of your classmates are dead or infected with some viral disease that makes them slowly go, like, totally insane! They start doin' all this crazy shit like touching super hot objects and letting themselves get hurt beyond repair just cause they can't control themselves! The worst part is that they're trying to kill the player along with them, but the infection spreads slowly so you gotta shoot 'em before it's too late and you get killed. There are multiple endings but I wanna win the game before going back and finishing all the others, just 'cause I wanna see what it's like," he says, eyes still glued on the screen.

He's started smiling unconsciously, grinning while he shoots away in-game. You can't help but smile too. He's cute.

Something finally clicks in Idia's brain. It's late—you'd just said it was late, and here he was, still playing as if the walk from the library to your dorm wasn't gonna be worse now that it had gotten dark outside.

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