vil x gn!reader

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a/n: ngl vil scares me but also my brain went OFF as soon as i saw the request (tysm galaxygirl805 ur requests are always perfect<333) u can kinda tell that i add on my personal hcs to vil bc as much as i (dis)like his initial snooty attitude i kinda like digging deeper to see what else there is :)

synopsis: vil confesses to the reader in his own way and the reader thinks he's not serious thanks to vil's speech mannerisms/he's popular and he's like this with everyone up until the reader hangs out with someone else and vil blows up after seeing them

(also i made this kinda angsty bc i cannot for the life of me write anything except angst. and  i said fuck canon timeline for the sake of this fic ok)

You sat on the sidelines, watching the presented stage as Vil recited his lines with an actress standing side-by-side with him.

"...and you're the only one I want by my side," he says, gently taking her hand. She looks up at him in mock surprise, eyes wide, but she's stopped before she can say anything.

"We could be together. Don't you want that? You're the only one for me," he says, reaching over to brush a hand across her cheek. "Your beauty knows no bounds, and your kindness has truly touched me. What do you say?"

The last part is nearly a whisper, but you catch all of the hand-crafted emotion Vil has put into it, and it sounds so real that you nearly tear up over his skills as an actor.

"Alright, that's a wrap!" the director calls, and all actors sag from where they stand. Everyone seems content with the cliffhanger they've been left at and you're left to get back to what you're here for, handing out water bottles and snacks as the others start cleaning up the stage.

You were a volunteer that Vil had hand-picked from the bunch to assist him during the shooting of the new series he was featuring in. He had wanted someone he already knew and trusted a bit more than the others to help him out and basically shadow him throughout the whole filming process, and at first it had been going well—

Up until now, at least.

You mainly stuck to the back, not wanting to distract Vil from his job and watched from afar as he lit the room up each time he walked in. You knew better than to try to talk to him when he was surrounded by fans; he'd lectured you that first day after you'd interrupted him on accident.

"Hey, Vil—oh," you say, surprised to find the number of fans crowded around Vil as you opened the door. The amount of eyes on you makes the atmosphere a bit uneasy, but you press forward anyways. "Vil, the director wants—"

And just like that, Vil yanks you back through the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" he had asked after pulling you away by your wrist back inside. You winced at the iron grip he had on you, trying and failing to pull your hand away.

"The—the director asked me to tell you that your next scene starts in ten minutes," you stutter, the confusion turning into anxiety as Vil simply tightens his hold on your wrist. "Vil, what's—"

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