riddle x gn!reader x overblot!riddle

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synopsis: there are two riddles. the original riddle tries to keep his head from exploding. you're feeling the gray hairs inching their way towards you as you try to deescalate the situation. overblot riddle is just happy to be here

You're not exactly sure how it happened. Honestly, you thought that by now you'd be used to the sorts of fuckery that students conjure up on a daily basis, but—no, this isn't something you ever thought you'd have to deal with.

There had been an accident during potions class—a student had thought it would be funny to start adding ingredients in the wrong order and before anyone could stop him Riddle had been caught in the blast of fumes—and now you can feel your brain squirming in your cranium as it tries to comprehend what's happening.

You're looking at your boyfriend and...also your boyfriend. Because there are now two of them. Two Riddles standing in front of you. One is your Riddle, pale and short and wearing his dorm clothes that had gotten rumpled in the fray and the other—well, he's also Riddle. More accurately, he's the version of Riddle that had appeared during his Overblot, terrifyingly gray and covered in splotches of ink. And right now, both of them are giving you looks that range from confusion to clear incredulous shock.

After a minute of nothing but silence, you throw your hands up in exasperation. "What are you looking at me for?! I don't have any answers!"

"Neither do we," admits Riddle—your Riddle—while giving his counterpart a quick side-glance. "I'd hoped that you had been able to catch something."

"All I caught was the two of you looking like you were stuck to each other with velcro." The first thing Riddle had done when he'd first seen the little Overblot of himself after the unfortunate potions mishap was to throw himself at him, wand and all, to start firing off close-range spells without care for who else might've been in the room at the time. The other Riddle had, in turn, attempted to cut Riddle's magic off at the same time the first Riddle tried to cut the other's magic off, so now they were both at a standstill with their ridiculous collars hanging off of their necks.

"You can't blame me! I mean—look at him! Don't you remember what happened to—to make that?!" You do. His Overblot was, by far, one of the most painful things he'd gone through, and you can't imagine how jarring it is to see himself-but-not-himself after he's taken all of to steps to improve his behavior. The Overblot in question is giving Riddle a calculating stare, although he still hasn't said anything—you don't know if that's good or not. He could be planning something, but he looks just as confused as you and the original Riddle.

You sigh. "Fine. Let me just—I'm gonna try to find something out. Does anyone else know about this?" Aside from the rest of the potions class, which Crewel had cleanly escorted out of the room, the rest of the school hadn't seen or heard of any of this just yet. You'd stayed behind to smoothen things out and possibly find a quick solution, but now you were left with more questions than answers.

Moving towards a stack of books left unattended in the student's hurry to leave the classroom, you flip it to the spell they'd been working on and start to read through it. "I'm gonna try to find anything that might talk about unwanted side effects. Riddle, can you look through the ingredients and see if any of them have ties to...anything like this? And you—" you point towards the Overblot, shivering slightly as it pins you with it's steely gaze, "...you just stay right there."

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